Rector of BUT Ladislav Janíček became President of the EULiST European university alliance
Brno University of Technology hosted this year's General Assembly of the European University Alliance EULiST. The programme included the election of the new President of the Alliance Governing Board, with Ladislav Janíček, the Rector of BUT, being elected to the position. He will replace Volker Epping, President of Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
The Rector of Brno University of Technology accepted his new role with humility and awareness of the responsibility that comes with the leadership position. "I am honoured to be elected Chairman of the Governing Board of our Alliance. It is essential that the partnership of our universities is built on pragmatic cooperation that will bring added value useful for the development of all our universities in the national and international environment, will motivate through its contributions to broaden and deepen our cooperation and will allow us to achieve synergy by combining the best of the expertise and infrastructure of each of our universities," said the Rector of BUT Ladislav Janíček after his election.
During his mandate, he will strive for closer links between the individual members of the alliance. He notes that each university has its own roles, tasks, needs and strategic priorities, but he believes that mutual cooperation is crucial for the development of modern universities. The Alliance should operate in a way that generates concrete, clear and understandable benefits for its members.
Janíček sees the EULiST University Alliance as an ideal platform to combine the best of the expertise and technological strengths of its individual members. "Each of our universities has its own cutting-edge expertise and strengths. We agreed to map this excellence to create a set of activities, educational products and research opportunities that can be leveraged or offered for further development," described the new president of the alliance's Governing Board. This strong inter-university partnership will promote excellence and diversity at individual universities and may help the wider academic community in the future.
Representatives from the European universities that make up the Alliance also discussed at the General Assembly the achievements and further development of the community. Together, they agreed on the need to choose the main priorities that will guide the strategy and future direction of EULiST. It is important, they said, to work with the original vision and mission of the Alliance, to remind themselves of what they expect from it and to implement it at the individual universities.
The EULiST Alliance brings together ten, mainly technical, universities from different countries of the European Union. The university community enables the sharing of expertise and experience, explores developments in European higher education and contributes to the internationalisation and globalisation of the participating universities. Recently, the alliance was also registered as a European University by the European Commission.
This year's celebration of the 125th anniversary of the BUT included the General Assembly of the European University Alliance EULiST.
Author: Lenka Hubáčková
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