Scientific Visit of High-Energy Physics Specialist at Brno University of Technology
After the visit of nuclear engineering professor K.L. Peddicord in August, there is another “nuclear” specialist visiting Brno University of Technology. Dr. Vitaly S. Pronskikh is a scientist of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia near Chicago. He came on BTU Department of Electrical Power Engineering and CENEN (Czech Nuclear Education Network) invitation. Fermilab together with CERN in Geneve are the most important centers of nuclear research in the World. During two weeks Dr. Pronskikh had lectures in the Czech Republic. He had 3 lectures at Brno University of Technology, and other presentations in Prague, Pilsen and Nuclear Physics Institute at Řež. There was established new cooperation between Department of Electrical Power Engineering of BTU and Energy Deposition Group of FNAL in areas of computing analyses, simulations and experimental measurements of nuclear reactions. Cooperation in the field of nuclear fuel transmutation is also expected in the future. Students and academicals of UEEN will be able to take part on further experimental cooperation in field of radiation damage measurement of accelerator superconductive magnets and use hi-tech computing source of MARS laboratory developed at Fermilab.
Dr. V. S. Pronskikh presentation
7th December 2011 Karel Katovský, Department of Electrical Power Engineering
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