Department of project support and knowledge transfer
The Department of Project Support provides in particular:
- methodological support to all BUT units in the preparation, implementation and sustainability of projects, professional assistance to applicants,
- methodology of internal control of project proposals with emphasis on elimination of possible errors,
- creating conditions for increasing the success of the BUT in the competition for project funding,
- ensuring and developing cooperation with grant providers and related professional and financial partners,
- keeping records of all projects submitted and implemented at the BUT,
- producing analyses and reports on the status of the BUT project portfolio for the needs of the BUT management,
- verification of information in the Register of "de minimis" aid,
- preparation and updating of internal standards of the BUT for the area of project support and project management,
- searching for subsidy opportunities for projects,
- analysing the terms of project frameworks and calls, funding conditions and cost eligibility,
- coordinating the internal submission and approval of project proposals for submission and related documentation circulation,
- providing supporting documents for the resolution of internal and external audit findings,
- communication with the managing authorities and transfer of information to the project teams,
- transferring project experience to the project teams,
- administering selected central BUT projects.
The Department of Knowledge Transfer ensures in particular:
- search, management, administration, control and registration of the results of creative activity as intellectual property of the University and related analytical activities,
- the methodology of distribution of shares in the results, protection and trading of intellectual property, including the methodology of its activation into assets,
- searching for the results of creative activity at the BUT suitable for practical application and ensuring cooperation in the management, administration, registration and registration of intellectual property,
- analysing the commercial potential of intellectual property, setting up a decision-making process for the commercialisation of the results of creative activity, including their possible activation into assets,
- providing education and advice to BUT staff and students on the management and protection of intellectual property,
- searching for potential industrial partners in the Czech Republic and abroad,
- searching for sources of funding for the transfer of knowledge and technology into the application sphere,
- methodology and support in securing the approval process for the establishment of spin-off and start-up companies in the BUT bodies,
- preparing documents and ensuring the activities of the Knowledge Transfer Council,
- ensuring and developing cooperation with chambers of commerce, technology parks, innovation centres, etc. including the administrators of the Technology Incubator.
Department of project support and knowledge transfer - people
Department of knowledge transfer
Department of project support
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková