- Every foreign national who, as of 1 January 2021, is issued a long-term residence permit for the territory of the Czech Republic and also every foreign national who is issued a permanent residence permit after this date without the precondition of previous authorised stay in the territory is obliged to take the adaptation and integration course within one year of the date of collecting their residence permit.
- THE ADAPTATION AND INTEGRATION COURSE is a course during which foreign nationals will be acquainted with the rights and obligations connected with their stay in the territory of the Czech Republic, with the fundamental values of the Czech Republic, with everyday life, culture and customs prevailing in the Czech Republic. Course participants will also be provided information on organisations and institutions that provide advisory services to foreign nationals free of charge. For details, go to:
- The obligation to take the adaptation and integration course applies to every foreign national who has been issued a long-term residence permit for the territory. Specifically, the course must be taken and completed by every foreign national who has been issued:
- a long-term residence permit for the territory
- a long-term residence permit for the territory due to a change in purpose of stay
- a permanent residence permit for the territory for the child of a foreign national who holds a permanent residence permit for the territory of the Czech Republic and if the reason for the application is family reunification of such foreign nationals in the territory
- Foreign nationals who have already taken this course or who have been issued a long-term residence permit or a permanent residence permit before 1 January 2021 are not obliged to take the adaptation and integration course, under condition that their permit was valid as at 1 January 2021. The obligation to take the adaptation and integration course does not apply also to foreign nationals residing in the territory of the Czech Republic on the basis of:
- a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study(residence purpose code “21”, “22”, “23” and “30”)
- the obligation to take the adaptation and integration course furthermore does not apply to foreign nationals under 15 years of age or to foreign nationals 61 years of age or over on that date.
- Adaptation and integration courses are administered by Centres for Support of Integration of Foreign Nationals ( There are eighteen such centres in the Czech Republic and it is up to the foreign national to choose which centre to take the course at.
- The course is taught by a qualified educator, in the Czech language. The course content is interpreted into English, French, Mongolian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian or Vietnamese by a qualified interpreter.
- The price is CZK 1,500
Here are more details:
- Website of the MoI:
- Where to register and pay:
- Handout of the MoI – in the attachment
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Responsibility: Ing. Radka Tomaschek Škodová