BUT provides accommodation, mostly in double rooms. Half of the bedrooms are equipped with their own bathroom and toilet, another half has a shared bathroom unit for a certain number of rooms. Most of the rooms are two-bed and three-bed rooms, a small number are single rooms.
Students have a study room, TV room, bicycle room, music room with a piano at their disposal.All student halls are equipped with laundries and dryers.
The premises offer various sports facilities like multipurpose fields, body building gyms, gymnasiums, pool tables, table tennis equipment and other sports facilities of the Center for Sports Activities.
Halls of Residence offers:
• 100 % high speed internet connection
• wide range of dining services (cafeterias, restaurants, pizzerias, cafés, bars and snack bars)
• modern catering system (cashless, no pre-ordering, no limit, online menus)
• halls of residence provide quality sports facilities
• student advisory center:
There are approximately 6 600 beds available in five BUT dormitories:
Pod Palackého vrchem Residence Hall, Kolejní 2, Brno
Purkyně Residence Hall, Purkyňova 93, Brno
List Residence Hall, Kounicova 46/48, Brno
Mánesovy Residence Hall, Mánesova 12, Brno
Starý pivovar boarding house, Božetěchova 1, Brno
It is necessary to reserve a room by a student before his arrival through internet:
The monthly price for 1 person varies from 89 CZK to 155 CZK (approximately from 3.4 EUR to 6.2 EUR) per one person and night.
Accommodation scholarship
Students are entitled to receive the accommodation scholarship if they are:
- students enrolled to Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programme,
- students with citizenship from European Union countries (28 countries),
students with citizenship from EEA countries (Island, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland).
The accommodation scholarship is in amount of 650 CZK/ a month at the moment.
Students can apply for accommodation scholarship online. The instructions how to apply for accommodation scholarship will be provided to all students by email in the beginning of semester after their arrival.
The scholarship is paid to students to their student bank account in CZK.
Other accommodation options
- Hotel Palacký *** - Kolejní 2, Brno - accommodation for public, students of lifelong and combined studies, BUT visitors
- BUT Holiday center, Ramzová, Jeseníky mountains
- Klauzury v bývalém Kartuziánském klášteru - Božetěchova 1/2, Brno
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková