I. EU citizens (+ Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland)
Visit Czech insurance company – General Health Insurance Company (in Czech: VZP - Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna) to REGISTER:
- easy procedure
- registration at VZP covers costs by doctor
- you get a personal health insurance number you should show to doctors or in hospitals (Certificate of Registration)
Those who do not register, have to pay the treatment in cash!
General Health Insurance Company address (VZP):
Benešova 10, Brno
Opening hours:
Mon, Wed: 8:00 – 17:00, Tue, Wed: 8:00 – 15:00
More information can be found on this link:
II. non-eu citizens
- Other foreign students are advised to home handled health insurance, including hospitalization.
- Non-EU citizens also have the obligation to arrange a health insurance which complies to the Czech law requirements. We can recommend Czech insurance company:
- General Health Insurance Company (in Czech abbreviation “VZP”)
- MAXIMA pojistovna
- SLAVIA pojistovna
- This obligation has to be fulfilled within visa application.
Turkey, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro
- Students from these countries do not need above mentioned type of insurance policy
They have to provide form E111 provided by their home insurance company
More information can be found on this link:
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková