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As part of the celebrations of the 130th anniversary of the birth of the prominent architect Bohuslav Fuchs, an unusual art installation in the form of a large inflatable sculpture will appear in the streets of Brno. The ceremonial unveiling of this unconventional artistic object will take place on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition project *The New World of Bohuslav Fuchs and Rudolf Sandalo* at Špilberk Castle on Fuchs's birthday, March 24, 2025.
To ensure the traveling sculpture draws attention and showcases the quality of Fuchs's work, its creators chose an unconventional method of execution. They collaborated with the Brno-based company Kubíček Factory, a leading manufacturer of hot-air balloons (Kubíček Balloons), design inflatables (Kubíček Visionair), and ultralight aircraft (Kubíček Aircraft), and had the proposed shape stitched from balloon fabric. "Just as Bohuslav Fuchs discovered new possibilities in architecture, we constantly explore the boundaries of materials and air. The connection of art and technology in this project shows that even traditional materials can have unexpected uses and appeal to a wide audience," said sales representative Jan Procházka.
Thus, a changing and easily transportable object was created, and its movement around the city is managed by the company Švihé Synku. The inflatable sculpture is transported on a trailer pulled by a cargo bicycle. The founder of the company, Erik Nálepka, explained the support for the project as follows: "Our goal is to change transportation habits, including the transport of goods, and offer ways of transportation that are more beneficial for the city and life within it. Bicycles are a proven means of transport in many other places, and if prioritized, they calm traffic, increase safety, and bring life back to areas clogged by fast-moving or parked cars. It leads to greater sensitivity to the city as well as its history. This is similar to the Slávy Fuchs project, which is why we want to support it."
Buildings in front of which the inflatable sculpture of Bohuslav Fuchs will appear from March to June:
Hotel Avion: An iconic functionalist building in the center of Brno from 1927. It features a well-thought-out spatial design, lighting effects, and elegant interiors.
Moravian Bank: A striking building on Freedom Square in Brno from 1930, where Fuchs collaborated with Arnošt Wiesner. Its elegant façade with glass surfaces and characteristic clock became a symbol of modern Brno.
Masaryk Student Dormitory: In 1930, Bohuslav Fuchs completed this building for collective student housing, demonstrating the possibilities of modern architecture in the creation of student accommodations.
Municipal Baths in Zábrdovice: A functionalist building from 1931 that served as a public bathhouse. Its simple and functional design reflects the effort to secure hygiene and health for as many inhabitants as possible.
Reconstruction of the House of Arts: The war-damaged House of Arts was cleaned of decorative elements by Fuchs in 1946 and additional spaces were added. It thus became one of the most beautiful exhibition spaces in the Czech Republic.
Bus Station near the Grand Hotel: The current bus station represents only one-third of what was originally planned. The completed first platform from 1948, with its shell-like concrete roof and delicate columns, is still one of Fuchs's first projects that visitors to Brno encounter.
Red Army Memorial: A monumental memorial on Moravian Square in Brno, unveiled to mark the 10th anniversary of the liberation from the fascist regime. It was built in collaboration with sculptor Vincenc Makovský and architect Antonín Kurial. Fuchs contributed to the modification and architectural shaping of the public space.
The Slávy Fuchs Project was created at the Faculty of Architecture at BUT and involves TIC BRNO, Brno House of Arts, along with the companies Kubíček Factory and Švihé synku. Detailed information about the project can be found on the website FA VUT. The project is supported by financial aid from the statutory city of Brno.
More information is available in the press release.
Published: 2025-03-19
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Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno
Czech Republic
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