• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

Assistance for Ukrainian students currently studying at BUT

With regard to the events of the last few months and the current situation in Ukraine, the management of Brno University of Technology, in cooperation with the representatives of the Academic Senate Student Chamber of BUT, is ready to help Ukrainian students currently studying at BUT.

Currently a total of 67 students from Ukraine are studying at BUT in the Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral study programmes. The offered assistance is specifically intended for those existing Ukrainian students at BUT who now find themselves in a difficult situation due to the adverse social and political situation in Ukraine.

Ukrainian students currently studying at BUT can contact the management representatives below. These representatives are available for individual consultation regarding any questions students may have, and can provide information on the options for obtaining aid:

Published: 2014-04-11

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d90087



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Czech Republic
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e-mail: vut@vutbr.cz

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