Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno
Czech Republic
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Barbora Lungová studied painting at FFA BUT, where she has been teaching art theory and English since 2007. She is also a member of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation and the municipal environmental commission in Kyjov. She is involved in the initiative "Living Forest for a Living Region," which aims to protect the Ždánice Forest and the Chřiby Hills. At the faculty, she is part of the EcoCell, which focuses on sustainability. Her artistic projects extend into landscapes and public spaces. Recently, she has been concentrating on ecological themes and so-called guerrilla gardening. One of her major projects is the Rainbow Garden – a space that connects queer culture with biodiversity. In this garden, Lungová arranges various species of ornamental iris flowers, named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow and commonly known as irises. Alongside the ČSOP Kyjov association, she also takes care of urban orchards and meadows.
At FFA, she leads a unique project called Guerrilla Gardeners with a Hoe, which promotes spontaneous gardening in public spaces and maps neglected areas and the phenomenon of nature in the city.
According to the jury, her work is engaged, bold, and powerful, yet it also reflects defiance and vulnerability. Her connection to the community, feminist themes, and social relationships adds relevance, authenticity, and depth to her art.
The Jindřich Chalupecký Award, named after the prominent Czech art theorist, critic, essayist, and philosopher, has been awarded since 1990. It is intended for emerging artists living or working in the Czech Republic. The award also includes a prize of 60,000 CZK for the creation of a new work or project.
The complete trio of this year’s laureates – Dominik Adamec, Barbora Lungová, and Karolína Rossí – will present a joint exhibition starting September 25 at the Trade Fair Palace of the National Gallery Prague. The exhibition will not only showcase the awarded artists' projects but will also feature an accompanying program reflecting current discussions in contemporary visual art.
The text was based on an article by the Jindřich Chalupecký Society.
Published: 2025-02-17
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Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno
Czech Republic
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