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Biotechnology Hydal awarded at China High Tech Fair

Biotechnology Hydal (enabling production of biopolymers out of used waste oil) developed at BUT was awarded with TOP 10 products prize at the most prestigious Chinese exhibition China High Tech Fair 2016 in Shenzen. Technology from the Materials Research Centre of Faculty of Chemistry BUT was presented to market by company Nafigate.

„Extent of China High Tech Fair, which is organized by Shenzhen government, is hardly imaginable for most Europeans. Not only that there are more than 4 000 of exhibitors with presence of world elites, the fair also has a huge traffic – 600 000 visitors from 90 countries. Company Nafigate managed to gain a great success, as Hydal was the only non-Chinese technology that received the prize,“ said Aleš Červinka, Regional Manager of CzechTrade Agency in China.

Technology transfer to China, where the mutual Czech-Chinese company for processing food waste and foil production was established, was supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

Published: 2016-12-16

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d131536



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