• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

BUT hosted the Korean ambassador

The ambassador of the Republic of Korea visited Brno University of Technology. During his two-day trip to Brno, Mr. Seoung-Hyun MOON met the representatives of the university and companies. Researchers from the NETME Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering have been successfully cooperating with the Korean steel company POSCO since 2004 focusing on methods of cooling systems. Professor Petr Štěpánek, Rector of BUT, has appreciated the close cooperation between the world’s third largest steel producer and the BUT labs. He also intends to establish further cooperation in technology transfer and internships of students and academic staff with our Korean counterparts.

Mr. Seoung-Hyun MOON discussed the extension of cooperation with BUT labs and industrial sphere. | Autor: Igor Šefr

Mr. Seoung-Hyun MOON paid a visit to the Faculty of Fine Arts, which is currently hosting a Korean student. Here, he inspected the 3D Studio, where he was presented with a bust of him made by 3D print technology after a thorough scanning procedure.

The ambassador received his own 3D print bust. | Autor: Igor Šefr

Published: 2017-03-14 11:00

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d137867



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