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BUT International Students Club is the best in Europe

ISC BUT was named the best section from whole Europe in Erasmus Student Network. Club managed to win in competition of 427 similar organizations from 36 European countries.

Section in Spotlight is the award of general quality of the club and also an example of best practices.

BUT International Students Club is a voluntary organization established to help visiting students with everyday matters. Club organizes many activities whose aim is to strengthen the whole team and facilitate mutual communication.

Number of organized events increases every year and includes many activities, from educational (e.g. Presentation of Nations) to free-time. Students can visit many beautiful locations in the Czech Republic (e.g. Olomouc, Znojmo, Czech Krumlov, Wallachian Kingdom etc.) and also abroad (Wien, Krakow, Budapest). In Brno the most popular are Boat Party and Tram Party.

Currently there are about 35 stable members in the club and about 80 „buddies“ – local students who are in personal contact with their group of international students.

More information can be found on www.isc.vutbr.cz.

Published: 2013-06-17 09:40

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d81123



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