• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

BUT student among winners of Joseph Fourier Prize

On 6th June 2012 Brno University of Technology hosted finale of Joseph Fourier Prize – competition for young scientists active in research of IT technologies and informatics. The competition is specifically focused on design and usage of computationally difficult algorithms and methods, simulations and modeling, or on manipulation with large data volumes for the needs of science and research in public and commercial sector. Organizers of this event were French Embassy in the Czech Republic and company Bull.

Competitive projects were judged in finale by six-member jury of experts and organizers' representatives. Filip Konečný – student of Faculty of Information Technology (Brno University of Technology) – managed to win 3rd place.

The awards ceremonial will be held on 26th June 2012 from 11.00 am at the French Embassy in Prague.

Published: 2012-06-13

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d68766



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