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CEITEC contributes to development of new type of PC memory

Young scientists from BUT Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) and Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Vojtech Uhlir and Michal Urbanek – have found new methods for control of magnetic whirlpools, specifically change quickly and in controlled way the direction of their rotation. This discovery can be used mostly in information technologies. Memory cell made of magnetic whirlpool can store two times more information and can work much faster. Moreover such a memory cell does not lose the information in case it is disconnected from network.

When validating the theory scientists from Brno cooperated with colleagues from The University of California, San Diego and synchrotron laboratory in Berkeley. Results of this research are so unique and interesting, that they were published in May issue or prestigious science-oriented magazine Nature Nanotechnology. Another article concerning this problematic can be found at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory website.

Published: 2013-06-17

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d80586



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