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The annual project Wellbeing – Put Your Health First focuses on supporting the mental and physical health of BUT staff. The main guide will be the Trager® approach. It plays with the quality of our body's weight and engages the sensitivity of the nervous system through very simple, everyday movements. The project is divided into five interconnected parts. The project authors will guide BUT employees to find even small time intervals in their daily lives for natural active movement. Even low-intensity natural active movement can help shift the body from a passive sitting or standing position, gradually compensating for a sedentary lifestyle.
"For me, the most eye-opening realization was that muscles can be relaxed in common postures and activities during the day, and that it’s not wrong. Until now, I thought that maintaining proper posture, such as at a desk, meant holding a fixed position and keeping my muscles tense. I also realized that I often have tense muscles even when there’s no reason for it—I simply didn’t know how to relax. Now, I try to be mindful of it, consciously relax, and frequently change positions while working at the computer. Overall, I am learning to listen to my body more and give it what it needs. I particularly enjoyed the autumn workshop, where we focused on muscle relaxation."
"Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in the Wellbeing program. I think it’s a great initiative for employees. The program was interesting for me, as were the supporting videos. I already knew that my stress accumulated in my shoulders, but during the workshops, I realized that I held tension throughout my body, even surprisingly in my legs. This has significantly improved how I manage stress and perceive physical exertion during exercise. As a computer scientist, I appreciated the measurements and the ability to compare my results from the beginning to the end of the program. I also gained many tips that I am trying to incorporate into my life and have even passed some of them on to my family."
The project's expert guarantor is holistic physiotherapist Dagmar Moc Králová, who also works as an assistant professor at the BUT Center for Sports Activities (CESA).
The main goal of the project is to support the mental and physical health of BUT staff. The project's specific objectives are:
Published: 2024-12-03 18:33
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Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno
Czech Republic
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