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Course at FEEC helps to understand and guarantee the quality of high-speed networks and the Internet

The Department of Telecommunications (UTKO) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, together with industrial partners PROFiber Networking CZ s.r.o. and PROFIcomms s.r.o., have built a technological access network polygon on the faculty's premises. This facility is equipped with measurement and diagnostic technology, including XGS-PON technology, which enables individual clients to connect to the Internet at speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s over optical fiber. The laboratory was established by a working group led by Pavel Šilhavý, which is now capable not only of providing training but also of verifying and measuring the quality of networks and VHCN (Very High Capacity Networks) connections.

Course Network dimensioning and quality of service measurement according to CTO at FEEC. | Autor: Nikola Číková

"We have prepared a specialized course for professionals focusing on VHCN networks, which are essential for achieving a Gigabit and digital society by the end of the EU program period in 2027. Furthermore, together with our industrial partners, we are ready to certify VHCN connections according to the latest methods used by the Czech Telecommunication Office (CTO)," said Pavel Šilhavý from the Department of Telecommunications at FEEC.

"This is a highly relevant topic, as some projects of the Ministry of Industry and Trade focused on building optical connections with VHCN parameters are coming to an end this year. The support program primarily targets projects in rural areas that lack adequate high-speed Internet coverage. Since this is a completely new issue that has not yet been sufficiently mastered or widely adopted, it requires more attention than technologies that have been on the market for several years. The year 2025 marks the first year when VHCN projects will be finalized, networks will be put into operation, and their quality will be monitored. Their quality will be guaranteed and observed over the next 7 to 10 years, depending on the project's sustainability period. That is why technical aspects are receiving so much attention at this crucial moment for VHCN," said Jan Brouček from PROFiber Networking.

Course Network dimensioning and quality of service measurement according to CTO at FEEC. | Autor: Nikola Číková

Jiří Mišurec, Head of the Department of Telecommunications, added: "The method of inspection, its correct execution, and a successful outcome are crucial both for grant recipients and for the supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This critical moment occurs when applying for grant reimbursement. Thanks to our expertise and objective measurement of connections before the grant reimbursement request, both the grant recipient and the provider have greater confidence that a high-quality network will pass the final inspection without issues. If any discrepancies with the required VHCN connection parameters are identified during acceptance tests, which our department conducts upon request, the network operator has the opportunity to address these deficiencies in advance before the final measurement by the Czech Telecommunication Office. I am pleased that we can contribute to the development of high-quality Internet connectivity and the adoption of new technologies needed for the digitalization of the economy and society."

At the beginning of February, the Department of Telecommunications organized a course together with PROFIber Networking and the Academy of Fiber Optics and Optical Communications® on Network Dimensioning and Quality of Service Measurement according to ČTÚ. Another course for industry professionals is scheduled for Thursday, March 20, 2025. Consultations and measurements are carried out by UTKO upon request.

Published: 2025-02-20 11:45

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d281379



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