• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

Delegation from chinese Hainan University visited BUT

6 representatives of Hainan University in China came to visit Brno University of Technology on Wednesday 12th July 2017. The delegation was lead by rector Li Jianbao, accompanied by deans Hu Guoliu and Zhou Yongcan from the Faculty of Economics and Faculty focused on oceanography. They met with their BUT partners from the Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication and Materials Research Centre (Faculty of Chemistry).

The aim of the meeting was to discuss future cooperation in student exchange, short-term study programmes for academic and research staff and also finding areas for mutual scientific research. After visiting the historical building of BUT Rectorate the delegation moved to see the premises of the Faculty of Business and Management and also above mentioned Materials Research Centre.

After their visit in Brno Chinese delegation continued to Romania and Turkey for similar purposes.

Šestičlenná čínská výprava jednala mj. o možnostech společného výzkumu | Autor: Igor Šefr

Published: 2017-07-18

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d147506



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