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Faculty of Business and Management has new leadership

Since 8 November, the management of the Faculty of Business and Management at Brno University of Technology has been taken over by prof. Ing. et Ing. Stanislav Škapa, Ph.D., who was elected by the Academic Senate of the Faculty as a candidate for dean on 4 June 2024.

He will be complemented at the post of Vice-Dean by a team consisting of:

From left: Robert Zich, Marie Pavláková Dočekalová, Stanislav Škapa, Vít Chlebovský, Radek Doskočil and Marek Zinecker. | Autor: FBM BUT

„The main priority for the near future is to stabilize the economic situation of the faculty. Our new team is intensively working on the preparation of the FP 2030+ strategic development plan, which aims to transform the faculty in all key areas - education, research and innovation activity, knowledge transfer and social role. Successful transformation should lead to the strengthening of external sources of funding and the consolidation of the image of the Faculty of Business and Management as a recognised centre of business know-how at university, national and international level," said Dean Stanislav Škapa on taking up his post and at the same time thanked his predecessor Vojtěch Bartoš and his team for the work done in the past four-year period.

Published: 2024-11-25 13:18

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