• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
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Representatives from Chinese universities of province Jiangsu visited Brno University of Technology

Representatives of Chinese universities from province Jiangsu visited Brno University of Technology on 23rd October 2018. Chinese universities are interested in cooperation with Brno University of Technology in the field of exchange students and staff and research area as well. Rector, Vice-rector for International Relations, representatives from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology or Institute of Forensic Engineering attend the meeting. Brno University of Technology and its offer and also portfolio of Chinese universities were introduced. Afterwards short discussion between universities took place.

Representatives from Chinese universities of province Jiangsu visited Brno University of Technology | Autor: MgA. Igor Šefr

Published: 2018-10-28 08:51

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d178333



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