• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

Representatives of the Xuzhou municipal authorities visited the city Brno

During 6 and 7 September 2018 dealings were held between the representatives of the Xuzhou municipal authorities , the representatives of the Brno municipal authorities and the representatives of the Brno University of Technology management. The above-mentioned parties confirmed their interest in further deepening of mutual cooperation of both universities´ students in the fields of education, science, sports and culture.

The BUT representatives offer to Chinese students Master studies in English which will take place both in Brno and Nottingham (GB). The BUT representatives offer an opportunity to study management studies in English at the Brno University of Technology. Furthermore, Chinese students can also enrol in PhD. studies in Economy and Management.

At the end of the year (or in the first three months of 2019 at the latest) a conference at a Xuzhou technical university can be held which will help to promote the study opportunities at the BUT and the Faculty of Business and Management especially and to make new contacts.

The representatives of both cities declare their willingness to cooperate with a local technically oriented university in order to promote foreign students education in particular.

Published: 2018-10-08

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d177168



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