• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

Scientists from BUT brought the laboratory into the world of entertainment and enchanted children and adults

Science is not boring - this was demonstrated by researchers from Brno University of Technology (BUT) at the Pop Science festival held over the weekend at the VIDA! science center in Brno. They prepared unique shows and interactive workshops, allowing science enthusiasts to try various experiments and learn how science works.

Entertaining science was presented by scientists from BUT in VIDA. | Autor: Václav Koníček

Friday's program was dedicated to elementary school students. Stanislav Průša from the CEITEC BUT research center introduced them to the basics of physics and the process of destruction. His lecture explored specific examples of collisions, some of which he demonstrated live.

Part of the lecture also highlighted the benefits of collisions, showing how valuable information can be obtained from the process itself. In the end, the students could try some of the experiments themselves.

Could you describe the collision process? | Autor: Václav Koníček

Tomáš Opravil from the Faculty of Chemistry, along with his colleague, delved into the world of chemistry. They performed various experiments for the students, such as growing snakes, sinking the Titanic, creating mirrors, and launching an explosive rocket.

Some of the experiments were literally explosive. | Autor: Václav Koníček

Through selected experiments involving mixing, igniting, or expanding substances, the experts illustrated chemical processes. "What's happening here? Fire is burning, and sugar turns to ash," explained Tomáš Opravil as he described the chemical reactions. To wrap up, they even summoned a mythical genie together with the students.

The weekend program was then open to the general public, primarily families with children. Small and big science fans alike were treated to the Faculty of Chemistry’s original chemistry show and playful experiments with beads and slimes led by experts from CEITEC VUT.

Children and adults alike were entertained by the science shows. | Autor: Václav Koníček

With gel beads, researchers conducted fascinating experiments, explaining to children how the beads are prepared, what they can do, and their various applications. "Hydrogel beads are also used in medicine as drug carriers," explained the CEITEC VUT specialists. They also demonstrated how to scientifically produce slimes that aid in wound healing.

The biggest highlight, however, was that children could make their own colorful slimes and take them home!

The Pop Science festival showcases the world of science through fascinating science shows, interactive workshops, and inspiring lectures. Alongside VUT experts, scientists and performers from other universities and research organizations participated in creating this unique weekend program for visitors.

Experiments and demonstrations aroused the curiosity of the visitors. | Autor: Václav Koníček

Published: 2024-11-27 08:02

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d269986



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