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The Czech Science Foundation is seeking experts for evaluation panels

New panel member appointments: evaluators wanted for all panels. The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) receives approximately 3,000 project proposals each year for its tenders and calls in all areas of basic research. More than 400 distinguished experts from the Czech Republic and other countries help to select the best ones.

Given the upcoming end of the term for about half of the panel members, GACR is now looking for new members to join its evaluation panels starting from April 2025. The evaluation panels are divided into five thematic committees and cover a wide range of basic research disciplines. Nominations for panel membership can be submitted by individuals as well as research institutions.

“The work of the panel members is crucial for the Czech Science Foundation, much the same as it is for science foundations in other countries. Through panel reviews and discussions, expert scientists evaluate the quality of project proposals submitted to our tenders, and recommend those that deserve funding. It is thanks to our well-established system of expert evaluation of projects, inspired by the ERC evaluation, that the Czech Science Foundation preserves its credibility and the high standard of the projects funded,” comments the role of panelists, the GACR President, Petr Baldrian.

Applications can be submitted until December 16, 2024. Detailed information on the conditions and the electronic application form can be found at gacr.cz/panelmembers.

Help select the best scientific projects and contribute to the advancement of basic research.

Published: 2024-11-22 12:00

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d269505



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