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The Faculty of Fine Arts is celebrating 25 years. During the celebrations all its studios will stay open


The three-day celebrations, running from Oct. 3 to 5, 2018, will commemorate a quarter of a century of the existence of the Faculty of Fine Arts of BUT. During the last 25 years this artistically profiled faculty has educated more than eight hundred graduates. To celebrate its foundation, the Faculty has launched a series of events called Open House FFA, making all 16 of its studios open to the public.

On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, the finalists of Jindřich Chalupecký‘s Prize, Kateřina Olivová and Alžběta Bačíková – the PhD students, will be presented to the visitors and the academic community. Their presentations will be followed by FFA Pecha Kucha Night, where the heads of the individual studios will deliver their talks. The afternoon will be moderated by Vendula Chalánková - the known artist and FFA BUT graduate. "In addition to the brisk presentations allowing each participant a limit of 6 minutes and 40 seconds, or 20 x 20 seconds, the party is primarily meant to be the meeting of designers, architects, creative and other artists," suggested Milan Houser , the Dean of the Faculty.

On Thursday, October 4th, the Faculty will be visited by its graduates, such as the multimedia artist Ondřej Merta, the painter Václav Kočí, the illustrator, theoretician and graphic design historian Pavel Ryška, the sculptor Pavla Kačírková, the graphic designer Petr Cabalka and other personalities presenting their work in two blocks of lectures. The general public will enjoy mainly Friday’s program – The Open House of FFA, where all studios will be open from 10:00 to 18:00. Visitors can also enjoy the presentation of videoart, a tattoo studio or a design shop. The celebrations will end by the evening series of concerts called FFA Night.

FFA also offers evening drawing courses for the public | Autor: Igor Šefr

"If we want to consider some of the specifics of our Faculty, there is a number of multimedia and classical studios and cabinets utilizing current technology. This may be one of the reasons why I think FFA makes an important and indispensable part of BUT enriching its ground with an important type of vision, " the Dean Milan Houser described the interconnection of art and technology.

FFA moved to a new address two years ago and houses in 53 Údolní Street in the premises of the former military barracks, which will subject to substantial reconstruction in the following years. In future FFA is supposed to share the premises with the Faculty of Architecture.

"The synergy of these two faculties will certainly bring new impulse. I am delighted that we have managed to preserve the position of the Faculty near the city center, as universities possess a certain kind of magnetism, fulfill an irreplaceable city-building function and bring vital excitement to this area. We have our own gallery, we also cooperate with institutions such as the Brno Art House or the Moravian Gallery, so we do not only play an educational role, but also an important cultural role in Brno, "added Mr. Houser. By the end of the year the Faculty will also release an annual publication reviewing its activities.

The school has been operating as an independent faculty since 1993, but the history of art at BUT dates back to 1899, when Brno University of Technology was founded. The Institute of Drawing was established immediately, and its first professor was the academic painter Hanuš Schwaiger. The independent Faculty of Arts was established by breaking away from the Faculty of Architecture, thanks to the significant architect Ivan Ruller, who founded the Institute of Drawing and Modeling in 1992. This Institute has become the germ of the future Faculty of Fine Arts, which undoubtedly belongs to the most important art schools in the Czech Republic.

On Friday, October 5, the Faculty will open all its studios as a part of the FFA Open House | Autor: Igor Šefr

The complete program of the 25th anniversary of the BUT Faculty of Fine Arts can be found here.

Published: 2018-09-22

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d176689



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