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The President appointed six new BUT professors

President Petr Pavel appointed new professors based on the proposals of scientific and artistic councils of universities. He personally handed over the appointment decrees on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at Prague's Karolinum. Brno University of Technology (BUT) now has six new professors – Jan Hajný from FEEC BUT, Zdeněk Jegla from FME BUT, Karel Katovský from FEEC BUT, Miroslav Kolíbal from FME BUT and CEITEC BUT, Pavel Rovnaník from FCE BUT, and Pavel Schmid from FCE BUT.

The President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, appointed six new professors from BUT. | Autor: MŠMT
In his speech President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel wished the newly appointed professors more courage. "Be innovative, be creative, be ambitious, and be courageous. This is the kind of scientists we need, but also the kind of university teachers we need. Your students will undoubtedly appreciate it," he emphasized. While handing over the decrees, he also pointed out the long-term underfunding of universities and the shortage of university-educated individuals.

Representing Brno University of Technology at the ceremonial decree presentation was Vice-Rector for Studies Miroslav Doupovec. | Autor: MŠMT
The ceremonial appointment of decrees was also attended by Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Mikuláš Bek. In his speech, he emphasized the need to strongly diversify expectations from different types of universities. Representing BUT at the ceremony was Vice-Rector for Studies Miroslav Doupovec.

Newly appointed professors from Brno University of Technology:

Jan Hajný – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication

Jan Hajný is a recognized expert in cryptography and cybersecurity with extensive experience from international research stays (e.g., University of Minnesota, IBM Research Lab). He is the author of 74 publications indexed in WoS in prestigious ISI journals and conferences, the leader of 15 research projects, and the founder of the field of cryptography and information security at BUT. He has received numerous awards for his scientific and pedagogical work.

Zdeněk Jegla – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Zdeněk Jegla is an expert in process and energy engineering, focusing on the design of heat exchange equipment to reduce energy consumption. Since 2005, he has led a research team, authored the concept of multifunctional integrated devices, and has 64 publications in WoS. At FME BUT, he serves as a lecturer and guarantor of several courses and collaborates with industrial practice.

Karel Katovský – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication

Karel Katovský is an expert in nuclear energy, focusing on the research of neutron fields, subcritical reactors, and the use of spent fuel. His creative activities include basic and applied research. He has 91 publications in WoS, led 13 projects, and co-led another 19, including international collaborations. These projects were or are supported by domestic agencies such as TACR, GACR, MPO, and the Ministry of Education. He has been lecturing at BUT since 2011, is the guarantor of five courses, and is preparing a new Nuclear Energy program. He actively participates in teaching outside BUT, including at foreign universities.

The appointment decrees to the new professors were personally handed by President Petr Pavel on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at the Karolinum in Prague. Congratulations! | Autor: MŠMT
Miroslav Kolíbal – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and CEITEC BUT

Miroslav Kolíbal works at FME and CEITEC BUT, specializing in developing new methods in electron microscopy and their application in materials science and semiconductor physics. He is the author of 42 publications in WoS and has been involved in GACR, TACR, and Horizon Europe projects. His research includes instrumentation for real-time observation of chemical reactions, nanostructure analysis, and the development of functional systems. He has completed internships abroad and is invited to international conferences, workshops, and summer schools.

Pavel Rovnaník – Faculty of Civil Engineering

Pavel Rovnaník focuses on research in alkali-activated materials, geopolymers, degradation of construction materials, and their use in smart structures. Since 2004, he has been working at FCE BUT, where he is the guarantor of five study courses and the author of several innovative teaching materials. His publication activity includes dozens of professional articles, book chapters, and software tools. He was the principal investigator of four GACR projects and collaborated on many other research activities.

Pavel Schmid – Faculty of Civil Engineering

Pavel Schmid is an expert in the diagnostics and evaluation of construction structures, experimental analysis of their durability, and modeling degradation processes. Since 1996, he has been working at FCE BUT, focusing on teaching, supervising final theses, and developing study programs. He is the guarantor of three courses and the author of new teaching methods. He actively participates in basic and contractual research, including collaboration with institutions such as the State Office for Nuclear Safety.

We sincerely congratulate all newly appointed professors!

Published: 2024-12-11

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