• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

The pump from Brno University of Technology was awarded the Gold Medal at International Engineering Fair 2018

The Hybrid Pumping System, which was designed by the specialists from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of the BUT, was awarded the Gold Medal in the category of component innovation in mechanical engineering. The pump system is based on the principle of an annular motor where the rotor is formed by an impeller of an axial pump (turbine) and the motor stator is integrated into the pipeline. By serializing these elements, it is possible to draw liquids over long distances or from large depths even at low pipe pressure. At the International Engineering Fair a medal also came to a non-emissive excavator, which was a part of the last year BUT exhibition. This year it is displayed at Bosch Rexroth stand on free area K. This battery powered equipment has been developed in the cooperation with the specialists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication and from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of BUT, Department of Reverse Engineering and Additive Technologies, which is a part of the FME Design Institute. The equipment can be used for example in hospitals or protected natural areas where combustion engine emissions are not desirable. The excavator can lift the load up to two tons.

Awarded pump can be used e.g. at rescue activities | Autor: Igor Šefr

Published: 2018-10-24

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d176837



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