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Young architects are changing libraries. Their designs are coming to life in Moravian villages

Libraries are an integral part of public space. Students from the Faculty of Architecture at BUT regularly collaborate with public libraries, bringing new life to them. The latest architectural designs for library renovations in the South Moravian Region were handed over by student teams to representatives of Popůvky, Malhostovice, and Hrušky at an event held on Wednesday at the Moravian Library.

Architecture students are involved in the transformation of village libraries. | Autor: Pavel Němec, MZK

Libraries are among the most important public buildings today. They are not only places where people gather information, study, or work but also spaces for social interaction. Therefore, it is essential to take care of these places. This is the goal of a five-year collaboration between architect Jan Kratochvíl from the Faculty of Architecture at Brno University of Technology and Lenka Dostálová from the Methodical Center for Library Construction and Reconstruction, which operates under the Moravian Library.

Their joint effort has resulted in the project Library for the 21st Century, in which architecture students explore current library trends and then apply their knowledge to designs for real institutions. "Involving students in practice is not easy because they are not yet fully qualified architects. The scope of designing a municipal library is an ideal task where they can succeed," explained architect Jan Kratochvíl.

According to Lenka Dostálová from the Methodical Center for Library Construction and Reconstruction, municipal libraries are often the most constrained by space and finances, making them excellent projects for student work.

The public library is an ideal semester assignment. | Autor: Pavel Němec, MZK

Libraries through the eyes of students

The studio where the project takes place has a vertical format, meaning that second, third, and fourth-year students work together. This structure allows the group to have the necessary knowledge and skills, facilitating the smooth transfer of experience.

Three-member student teams prepare designs for the renovation or modernization of specific libraries participating in the Library for the 21st Century project. The final designs are preceded by site visits, project work, and the preparation of visualizations and preview videos. Communication with property administrators and librarians is also an integral part of the creative process.

The proposals serve as inspiration for the villages. | Autor: Pavel Němec, MZK

The course concludes with a formal presentation of the completed designs. Over the course of one semester, students complete a project from start to finish, gaining valuable experience that prepares them for their future professional careers.

Stylish but practical!

The students' designs serve as inspiration for villages, and many ideas have already been implemented. Currently, new library projects are actively being discussed in Znojmo and the village of Mokrá-Horákov, where work on the new library may begin this year. "I would like to thank the students for dedicating their time and absorbing all the information I gave them. The municipal leadership is open to the new solution," said local librarian Ivana Brzobohatá.

The latest architectural projects were handed over by students last week at the Moravian Library to representatives of Popůvky, Malhostovice, and Hrušky. The teams presented their designs through presentations, architectural drawings, visualizations, and paper models.

Students submitted their proposals to representatives of South Moravian villages. | Autor: Pavel Němec, MZK

"It was quite challenging to work on the renovation because the building was really small, so we decided to also prepare a design for a new building. Still, we tried to maintain the rural character," described Amálie Šmídová, a student from FA BUT, as she explained the design process for the modernization of the library in Popůvky. In addition to necessary structural changes, students must reflect on various requirements from library staff. Their goal is to create library spaces that are modern and airy. Given that the most frequent library visitors are children, all elements must primarily be practical.

Collaboration in practice

In addition to its educational function, the university also plays a social role, the so-called third role, which focuses on involving higher education institutions in the broader society. The Library for the 21st Century project is a prime example of how a university can contribute to social development through its knowledge and technologies. "Our role includes initiating discussions and helping stakeholders navigate specific topics. We strongly support collaboration with municipalities," said Jan Malý Blažek, Vice-Dean for Creative Activities at FA BUT.

The project fulfils the third function of the university. | Autor: Pavel Němec, MZK

The collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture and the Methodical Center for Library Construction and Reconstruction is currently presented to visitors of the Moravian Library through a follow-up exhibition of student projects created within studio work over the past two years. The exhibition can be viewed in the library foyer until April 5.

Exhibited Student Designs:

  • Mokrá-Horákov – Samuel Maňák, Kateřina Panáčková, Petr Šustr
  • Lelekovice – Simona Lebánková, Zuzana Hejduková, Anastázie Mikešová
  • Drnovice – Gabriela Gajdová, Tomáš Růžička, Jana Vojtěška Skálová
  • Znojmo-Loucká – Sára Sochová, Monika Cibulová, Tímea Bobuľová
  • Popůvky – Samuel Maňák, Nina Pešová, Amálie Šmídová
  • Malhostovice – Martin Baueršíma, Evelína Pichrtová, Paulína Veselá
  • Hrušky – Branislav Csiszár, Nelly Eva Juhariová, Tomáš Růžička

Published: 2025-02-10 11:15

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d280332



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