Overview of National Recovery Plan projects at BUT
Acceleration of Green Skills and Sustainability at BUT
Registration number: NPO_VUT_MSMT-2143/2024-5
Project launch date: 1. 1. 2024
Project end date: 31. 12. 2025
Total resources: 59 854 000 CZK
EU contribution: 59 854 000 CZK
This project is financed by the EU.
Project objectives:
The aim of the project is to support the creation of new study programmes, new or innovated study subjects in the current study programmes in the field of green transformation and to create new lifelong learning courses with the goal to increase number of graduates possessing of knowledge of green education and to increase number of highly qualified workers at labour market. Another key activity of this project is to create new strategy of sustainability and green transformation at BUT and formation of new strategic partnership in the field of scientific-research cooperation at the national and international level.
Project proposal is divided into five key activities:
KA1: New accredited study programmes
KA2: Creation of new/innovated study subjects in the current study programmes
KA3: Lifelong learning courses
KA4: Strategy of sustainability and green transformation
KA5: Strategic partnership
National Recovery Plan for the higher education sector 2022–2024
Registration number: NPO_VUT_MSMT-16609/2022
Project launch date: 1. 4. 2022
Project end date: 31. 12. 2024
Total resources: 227 029 549 Kč
EU contribution: 227 029 549 Kč
This projects is financed by the EU.
Project objectives:
A: Transforming the form and content of higher education
B: Creation of new study programmes in progressive fields:
- Chemical technology and nanotechnology
- Advanced Automotive Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- New study programme Nuclear Energy Engineering at Brno University of Technology
C: Joint projects
- Improving access to education at university level through microcredentials
- Safety of distance learning
- Digitisation of activities directly related to the provision of educational activities and administrative tasks associated with the study agenda
National Institute for Neurological Research
Registration number: LX22NPO5107
Project launch date: 1. 7. 2022
Project end date: 31. 12. 2025
Total resources: 629 011 000,00 Kč
EU contribution: 589 013 000,00 Kč
This project is financed by the EU.
Project objectives:
The aim of the project is to increase the ability of research capacities in the selected priority area of research, development and innovation (hereinafter referred to as "VaVaI") to respond to current trends and needs in VaVaI in relation to the incidence of serious diseases and the economic impact of systemic health risks associated with them. The sub-objectives of the project for the selected priority area of VaVaI are: a) to achieve and maintain a European level of excellence in research; b) to strengthen inter-institutional, interdisciplinary and inter-regional cooperation and the quality of national research through further growth of international cooperation; c) to deepen skills, scientific education and support for the young generation of researchers, including the provision of quality working conditions; d) to enhance the relevance of research outputs, or to improve the quality of research and innovation. e) modernisation and development of research infrastructure and capacities, including provision of professional information capacities and mechanisms for protection and sharing of obtained results and scientific data; f) integration of the national scientific authority into the existing VaVaI system in the Czech Republic and ensuring its sustainability.
Responsibility: Mgr. Tereza Stodolová