BUT has received ECTS Label and DS Label from the European Commission
BUT has received ECTS Label and DS Label from the European Commission
Brno University of Technology has received the ECTS Label and DS Label prestigious awards for 2009 – 2013 in appreciation of its quality as a higher-education institution.
BUT is one of the only three Czech universities to be awarded the ECTS Label. It is an appreciation of its correct application of the credit system to all Bachelor's and Master's programmes in line with the objectives of the Bologna process. The DS Label received by BUT certifies that the diploma supplements received by the graduates free of charge are correct. Both the labels certify that BUT meets the strict higher-education criteria imposed by the European Union. They significantly help extend student mobility opening the university to international students.
The ECTS Label is the most prestigious European award in tertiary education certifying the fulfilment of the university's strategic goals in the European higher-education space. It means that Brno University of Technology is prepared to meet all the obligations following from the Bologna Declaration and subsequent international agreements. Using the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) makes the recognition of study at a university abroad more transparent, which directly supports student mobility both within and outside the European higher-education space.
The DS Label testifies that the English-Czech diploma supplement meets the requirements recommended by the European Commission both in terms of its form and content. The supplement has been designed to provide a diploma with additional data enhancing its informative value to make the international academic and professional recognition more just. The supplement includes a full list of the courses a graduate has completed indicating the number of credits on the ECTS scale. Included are also courses taken during study at a foreign university, data on the final project, its presentation, state examination, and an overall study evaluation.
For the 2009 – 2013 period, seven Czech universities applied for the ECTS Label while 21 Czech universities were among those applying for the DS Label. This is the first time in history that the ECTS Label has been awarded to two Czech universities – Brno University of Technology and University of Economics, Prague. A total of 15 Czech universities have received the DS Label.
Both labels was handed over to BUT representative in Brussels on 11th June 2009 in the presence of Mr Ján Figeľ, EU Commissioner responsible for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism, and Mrs Odile Quintin, Director, Directorate-General for Education and Culture.
Publikováno: 20.05.2009
Zkrácený odkaz: https://www.vut.cz/old/f19528/d44102
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