Faculty of Civil Engineering

Information on the admission procedure

Termín zahájení a ukončení přijímacích zkoušek:
Bakalářské studujní programy.
Talentové zkoušky 15.02.2010 - 19.02.2010, náhradní termín 25.02.2010.
Odborné zkoušky   31.05.2010 - 04.06.2010, náhradní termín 10.06.2010.
Magisterské navazující studijní programy:
ARS 28.06.2010 - 02.07.2010, náhradní termín 13.07.2010.
GaK, SI, CE 28.06.2010 - 30.06.2010, náhradní termín 13.07.2010.
Doktorské studijní programy:
GaK 01.07.2010, SI a CE 04.02.2011.

Termín vydání rozhodnutí o přijetí ke studiu:
Bakalářské studijní programy:
nejpozději do 10.07.2010.
Magisterské navazující studijní programy:
ARS nejpozději do 06.08.2010, GaK, SI, CE nejpozději do 07.08.2010.
Doktorské studijní programy:
GaK nejpozději do 20.07.2010 a SI a CE nejpozději do 28.02.2011.

Termín vydání rozhodnutí o případné žádosti o přezkoumání rozhodnutí:
Do 30ti dnů od převzetí rozhodnutí.

Termín možnosti nahlédnutí uchazeče do svých materiálů:
Bezprostředně po vyhlášení výsledků zkoušek.

Termín skončení přijímacího řízení:
31.10.2010, DSP - SI, CE 31.03.2011.

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Bachelor's full-time study

Architecture of Building Structures

Bachelor's full-time study, 4 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 2010-02-15 - BSP APS(P) - 1. kolo - talentové zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 82
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 68
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 15
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 53
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 15
Total number of applicants admitted 15

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 2010-02-16 - BSP APS(P) - 1. kolo - talentové zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 91
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 79
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 28
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 51
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 28

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 2010-02-17 - BSP APS(P) - 1. kolo - talentové zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 86
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 68
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 33
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 35
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 30
Total number of applicants admitted 33

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 2010-02-18 - BSP APS(P) - 1. kolo - talentové zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 47
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 37
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 23
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 14

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 2010-06-03
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 113
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 99
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 84
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 15
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 75
Total number of applicants admitted 84

Branch: Architecture of Building Construction (no specialisation), 2010-06-10
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 6

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 429
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 360
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 183
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 177
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 163
Total number of applicants admitted 183

Statistics of written exams: 15.2.2010, 16.2.2010, 17.2.2010, 18.2.2010, 3.6.2010, 10.6.2010

Geodesy and Cartography

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-05-31 - BSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 225
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 69
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 167
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 166
Total number of applicants admitted 167

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-06-10 - BSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-06-11 - BSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 235
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 70
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 171
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 170
Total number of applicants admitted 171

Statistics of written exams: 31.5.2010, 10.6.2010

Civil Engineering

Bachelor's full-time study, 4 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-05-31 - BSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 21
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 21
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Total number of applicants admitted 21

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-05-31 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-01 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1804
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 150
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1737
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1737
Total number of applicants admitted 1737

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-02 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 283
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 216
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 204
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 204
Total number of applicants admitted 204

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-03 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 178
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 121
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 117
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 117
Total number of applicants admitted 117

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-04 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 170
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 115
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 113
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 113
Total number of applicants admitted 113

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-10 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 65
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 50
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 44
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 44
Total number of applicants admitted 44

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-10 - BSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-11 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 78
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 22
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 62
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 62
Total number of applicants admitted 62

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-14 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2611
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 705
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2310
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 61
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2310
Total number of applicants admitted 2310

Statistics of written exams: 31.5.2010, 1.6.2010, 2.6.2010, 3.6.2010, 4.6.2010, 10.6.2010, 11.6.2010, 14.6.2010

Building Construction

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: - ((unspecified)), 2010-06-11 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1


Bachelor's combined study

Geodesy and Cartography

Bachelor's combined study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-05-31 - BSP GK(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 50
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 28
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 38
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Total number of applicants admitted 38

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-06-10 - BSP GK(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 54
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 30
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 40
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 40
Total number of applicants admitted 40

Statistics of written exams: 31.5.2010, 10.6.2010

Civil Engineering

Bachelor's combined study, 4 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-05-31 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 253
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 75
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 211
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 211
Total number of applicants admitted 211

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-01 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 92
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 74
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 71
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 71
Total number of applicants admitted 71

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-01 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-03 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-10 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 9
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-11 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 25
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 9
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Total number of applicants admitted 20

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-11 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: General studies (no specialisation), 2010-06-14 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 390
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 169
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 318
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 318
Total number of applicants admitted 318

Statistics of written exams: 31.5.2010, 1.6.2010, 3.6.2010, 10.6.2010, 11.6.2010


Master's full-time study

Architecture and Urban Development

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing. arch.

Branch: Architecture and Urban Development (Urban Planning), 2010-06-29 - NMSP ARS(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 21
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Total number of applicants admitted 20

Branch: Architecture and Urban Development (Architectural Engineering), 2010-06-29 - NMSP ARS(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 43
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 29
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 29
Total number of applicants admitted 29

Branch: Architecture and Urban Development (Architectural Management), 2010-06-29 - NMSP ARS(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 68
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 15
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 52
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 52
Total number of applicants admitted 52

Statistics of written exams: 29.6.2010

Civil Engineering

Master's full-time study, 1.5 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 2010-06-30 - NMSP CE(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Geodesy and Cartography

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 48
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 27
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 36
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 36
Total number of applicants admitted 36

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (unspecified), 2010-07-13 - NMSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 49
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 28
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 37
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 37
Total number of applicants admitted 37

Statistics of written exams: 30.6.2010, 13.7.2010

Civil Engineering

Master's full-time study, 1.5 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Constructions and Traffic Structures (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 122
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 42
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 107
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 107
Total number of applicants admitted 107

Branch: Constructions and Traffic Structures (unspecified), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Civil Engineering Management (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 102
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 50
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 86
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 86
Total number of applicants admitted 86

Branch: Civil Engineering Management (unspecified), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 16
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Construction Process Technology and Management), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Building Constructions Design), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Building Services), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 41
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 35
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 35
Total number of applicants admitted 35

Branch: Building Constructions (Construction Process Technology and Management), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 55
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 26
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 42
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 42
Total number of applicants admitted 42

Branch: Building Constructions (Building Constructions Design), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 44
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 36
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 36
Total number of applicants admitted 36

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 269
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 113
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 237
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 237
Total number of applicants admitted 237

Branch: Building Constructions (Building Constructions Design), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Construction Process Technology and Management), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Execution of Buildings (unspecified), 2010-06-28 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 85
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 43
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 55
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 27
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 50
Total number of applicants admitted 55

Branch: Execution of Buildings (unspecified), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Material Engineering (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 29
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 13
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 26
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Total number of applicants admitted 26

Branch: Water Management and Water Structures (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 54
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 25
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 41
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 41
Total number of applicants admitted 41

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 832
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 336
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 671
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 76
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 666
Total number of applicants admitted 671

Statistics of written exams: 28.6.2010, 30.6.2010, 13.7.2010


Master's combined study

Civil Engineering

Master's combined study, 1.5 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Constructions and Traffic Structures (no specialisation), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Civil Engineering Management (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 40
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 30
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 33
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 33
Total number of applicants admitted 33

Branch: Civil Engineering Management (unspecified), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Building Services), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Construction Process Technology and Management), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Building Constructions Design), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 57
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 34
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 39
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 39
Total number of applicants admitted 39

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Building Constructions (Structural Engineering Design and Analysis), 2010-07-13 - NMSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Building Material Engineering (unspecified), 1900-01-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 116
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 67
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 75
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 75
Total number of applicants admitted 75

Statistics of written exams: 30.6.2010, 13.7.2010

Civil Engineering

Master's combined study, 5 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Building Constructions (unspecified), 2010-05-31 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Building Constructions (unspecified), 2010-06-11 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Building Constructions (unspecified), 2010-06-11 - BSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Building Constructions (unspecified), 2010-06-30 - NMSP SI(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6


Doctoral full-time study

Geodesy and Cartography

Doctoral full-time study, 3 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-07-01 - DSP GK(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Statistics of written exams: 1.7.2010

Building Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Physical and Buillding Materials Engineering (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

Branch: Constructions and Traffic Structures (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 33
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 30
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 32
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 32
Total number of applicants admitted 32

Branch: Management in the Building Industry (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

Branch: Building Constructions (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 42
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 35
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 36
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 36
Total number of applicants admitted 36

Branch: Water Management and Water Structures (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 10
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 101
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 85
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 88
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 88
Total number of applicants admitted 88

Statistics of written exams: 4.2.2011


Doctoral combined study

Geodesy and Cartography

Doctoral combined study, 3 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Geodesy and Cartography (no specialisation), 2010-07-01 - DSP GK(K) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 1.7.2010

Building Engineering

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Physical and Building Materials Engineering (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Constructions and Traffic Structures (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 13
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Total number of applicants admitted 12

Branch: Management in the Building Industry (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Branch: Building Constructions (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

Branch: Water Management and Water Structures (no specialisation), 2011-02-04 - DSP SI(P) - pro LS 2010-2011
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 32
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 24
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 26
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Total number of applicants admitted 26

Statistics of written exams: 4.2.2011


Admission exam, the problems and their solutions

FAST: Test NMSP Stavební inženýrství - obor S [.pdf]
FAST: Test NMSP Stavební inženýrství - obor K [.pdf]
FAST: Test NMSP Stavební inženýrství - obor M [.pdf]
FAST: Test NMSP Stavební inženýrství - obor V [.pdf]
FAST: Test NMSP Stavební inženýrství - obor E [.pdf]


Evaluation and procedure criteria

Dokumenty najdete v přílohách.

Směrnice po přijímací řízení na FAST do BSP Architektura pozemních staveb [.pdf]
Směrnice po přijímací řízení na FAST do BSP Stavební inženýrství, Geodézie a kartografie a Civil Engineering [.pdf]
Směrnice po přijímací řízení na FAST do NMSP Architektura a rozvoj sídel [.pdf]
Směrnice po přijímací řízení na FAST do NMSP Stavební inženýrství, Geodézie a kartografie a Civil Engineering [.pdf]
Směrnice po přijímací řízení na FAST do DSP Stavební inženýrství, Geodézie a kartografie a Civil Engineering [.pdf]

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