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Architects create a construction in the Brno City centre heated by a steam pipeline

The visualization of the Oasis construction emerging in the centre of Brno | Autor: FA BUT
The students of the Faculty of Architecture of BUT are working in the centre of the Moravian metropolis to install the Oasis construction. It is currently growing on Jostova Street near the Brno universities and the Ceska junction. The wooden cube hides a plastic greenhouse inside that surrounds the pot. The plants grown in this oasis are maintained by the residual heat from the steam pipeline despite the freezing winter weather. "The work is the result of the students´work of the Department of Experimental Design – FA, who work in the studio of Martin Kaftan. Their task was to find a suitable energy source that will enable to create an oasis similar to the isolated vegetation in the desert. And this is such a quiet and calm place in the middle of a busy city," Nicol Gale from the Faculty of Architecture, BUT commented. In their designs, students worked with different sources of residual energy. The resulting oasis works not only with biodegradable waste from gastronomic facilities and plants, but also with the residual heat from the Brno underground steam pipelines.

"While the wooden structure works on the principle of traditional carpentry joints, the construction also uses modern materials to improve the performance of the imaginary greenhouse. The foil membrane was designed using the principles of so-called parametric design in order to achieve the best technical and aesthetic results," Martin Kaftan stated. The students cooperated on the creation, among others, with Teplarny Brno (Heating Plants of Brno), which willingly provided consultations and helped to identify the best location for the installation of the construction. In the coming days, the Oasis will be planted with plants that can withstand the weather in January due to the inner temperature of 22 ºC. The Oasis will be displayed in Brno until May.

Published: 2020-01-21

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d194578



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