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Barbora Šmahlíková received the VCLA International Student Awards

Barbora Šmahlíková with the VCLA Award and VCLA representatives | Autor: Nadja Meister

On Tuesday 26 September, Barbora Šmahlíková a student of the Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology (FIT) received the VCLA International Student Awards. An awards organizer is the Vienna Centre for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA), which is a part of the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien), where the ceremony was held.

She won the prestigious award for her bachelor thesis "Next Generation of Rank-Based Algorithms for Omega Automata" in which she focuses on optimizing algorithms for Büchi automata that help determine the behavior of systems that run continuously for long periods of time, such as operating or control systems.

Barbora Šmahlíková and other awarded students Lydia Blümel, Alina Ehart and Vitor Rodrigues Greati | Autor: Nadja Meister

Barbora Šmahlíková has received more awards for her research. She is also the first recipient of the Czech Government Award for a Gifted Student and at the BUT Academic Assembly of 2022 she received the Rector's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Studies. The gifted student is continuing her studies at FIT in the postgraduate program in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence with a specialization in Mathematical Methods.

More about the award ceremony on the VCLA website

Barbora Šmahlíková's bachelor thesis

She's world class in what she enjoys. Student's algorithm "hack" awarded at TU Wien

Published: 2023-10-02

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d246103



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