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Brno University of Technology welcomed 80 best Omani students from Sultan Qaboos University

On June 16, 2019, BUT representatives welcomed 80 best Omani students from Sultan Qaboos University, one of the leading Arab universities. The selected excellent students are undertaking a study mission in Europe and expressed their interest also to visit BUT. The aim was to enable the students of the Sultanate of Oman and the European students to get to know each other. At the same time, a discussion was held on possible cooperation between Sultan Qaboos University and BUT concerning the students and academic staff exchange. The Vice-Rector for Foreign Relations Jiří Hirš, the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management Stanislav Škapa or Senator of the Sultanate of Oman J. E. Dr. Badria Ibrahim Khalfan Al-Shihi participated in the event. During the gala event “Students-to-students”, students' organizations and associations from BUT, such as TU Brno Racing and others, presented themselves in the Hall of the BUT Rectorate. On Monday, June 17, another programme followed: Oman students visited VIDA! Science Centre and discussions that concerned Smart Cities, Industry 4.0 or Artificial Intelligence were held.

Representatives from SQU | Autor: Archive BUT

Published: 2019-06-18 07:50

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d186542



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