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BUT hosted a lecture on the human resources management system at TU Vienna

On Wednesday 8 February, at the invitation of Rector Ladislav Janicek, the Rector's Office of the BUT hosted a lecture by the Vice-Rector for Human Resources Anna Steiger from the Technical University of Vienna (TUW) and her colleague, Head of Human Resources at TUW, Ms. Heidemarie Pichler. The lecture was about the human resources management system at TU Vienna and was addressed to faculty management, deans, secretaries, HR Award coordinators and senior HR managers of our faculties and units. Our universities are close in number and expertise of faculties and also in their educational and research focus. The number of students at TUW is only slightly higher than at BUT, but we are connected not only by geographical proximity, but also by partnership cooperation within the European University Alliance EULiST, to which both universities belong. At the level of faculties and institutes of our universities we cooperate mainly on projects. "The purpose of this meeting was to get an idea of the organisation, system and approaches to the management of HR agendas at TUW and to be inspired by possible good practices or experiences. Comparisons with major partners are an important tool for optimizing our own processes in different areas and give us the opportunity to improve our own approaches", said the Rector of TUW.

Anna Steiger and Heidemarie Pichler from TUW visited BUT | Autor: Jan Prokopius

Human resource management has long been about more than just personnel administration and remuneration. At the University, the HRM system is primarily used to create favourable conditions for the academic and creative work of our employees, to attract quality staff, to reward, support and protect them fairly, and to create an overall favourable and motivating culture. Part of a supportive culture includes, among other things, achieving a symbiosis between academic and non-academic staff who provide support to the academic staff. On the other hand, there is also the expectation of quality pedagogical and creative outcomes, which are subject to the evaluation of the quality and work performance of individuals. The presentation by the Vice-Chancellor and Chief HR Officer of TUW was about all this, accompanied by many questions, suggestions and discussions from the BUT participants. "Both universities are HR Award winners, reflecting the principles of gender equality and safety in an ethical and labour law sense. I am convinced that it is necessary to create conditions for professional and career growth of our employees, to set up an effective motivation system that will also be fair in remuneration. The same environment must be created for our students - to support their creative, artistic and sports activities and, last but not least, to support their social needs by offering counselling, assistance and other services, including the creation of conditions of social security," said the Rector of the BUT in his closing remarks.

Published: 2023-02-10 13:00

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d237623



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