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BUT presented technologies not only for Antarctica in the Senate of the Czech Republic

At the end of November, a meeting of representatives of Antarctic cooperation took place at the Upper House of Parliament in the Valdštejn Palace in Prague on the occasion of Antarctic Rector Ladislav Janíček and the deans of the faculties of civil engineering, architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and communication and chemistry represented the Brno University of Technology (BUT). The meeting was held thanks to the invitation of the Senate Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights and Petitions under the auspices of Senator Josef Klement.

Rector of BUT Ladislav Janíček (second from right) during a visit to the Senate of the Czech Republic under the auspices of Senator Josef Klement (first from left) | Autor: Senát ČR

BUT as a technological partner of Antarctic research

BUT together with representatives of the Faculty of Science of MU, the Czech Antarctic Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Environment and the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping company presented more than two decades of Czech research activities in Antarctica to the Senate. Thanks to these activities, the Czech Republic has gained international recognition and in 2013 became a full member of the Antarctic Treaty with consultative status, which entitles the Czech Republic to influence decisions in one of the most ecologically preserved areas on the planet.

"Antarctica is the last clean continent on planet Earth. But it is not isolated and is affected by climate change and environmental stresses on the rest of the globe. It is up to us humans to preserve not only this continent, but also our nature all around us for future generations," said Rector Janíček during the presentation.

Mendel Polar Station | Autor: Ladislav Janicek's archive

Through the Czech Antarctic Foundation, BUT provides technological support in the field of building, energy and other technological solutions at the Mendel Polar Station, which is owned and operated by the Faculty of Science of MU. It is involved in the preparation of the reconstruction of the original Czech polar station on Nelson Island. The Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE) carries out its own technological research, for example in the field of degradation of building materials or ageing of polymers in extreme conditions. The Faculty of Architecture, in cooperation with FCE and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME), is completing the construction of a module of the future base on Nelson Island. Negotiations are also currently underway to locate a FME training habitat that will allow future astronauts to practice in extreme conditions similar to those in space.

BUT also offers sustainable solutions in other areas

In the Senate of the Czech Republic, the BUT was given the opportunity to present to senators, deputies and other invited guests not only technologies for Antarctica, but also other sustainable solutions that it deals with in the field of research and development - in engineering, construction and architecture, in material and chemical engineering, in electrical engineering and energetics, especially in the development of renewable energy technologies, grid optimization, energy storage or electromobility.

Rector of BUT Ladislav Janíček during his presentation in the Senate of the Czech Republic

Also in the internal management, operation, maintenance and construction of the infrastructure, the BUT applies environmentally friendly principles respecting European standards such as DNSH (Do Not Significant Harm) and nZEB (Near Zero Energy Buildings): "In energy management, we actively monitor and manage energy consumption, update energy audits of buildings and carry out the removal of audit findings. We also apply a long-term environmentally responsible approach in the public procurement of goods, services or works," explained Rector Janíček during the meeting.

The university also presented its approach to sustainability in the field of education. The faculties of the BUT provide studies, develop new study and training programmes and incorporate subjects that strengthen the environmentally responsible thinking of students into the existing ones.

Joint photo of BUT representatives, senators, MPs and other invited guests

Environmental responsibility is an opportunity for a technical university

Reflecting on the conclusions of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference has become the societal challenge of our time. In particular, the aim is to gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, to a state of climate neutrality by 2050. Expanding the use of alternative energy sources, especially renewable ones, whether solar, wind, hydro or geothermal, is one of the priorities. Challenges include the use of carbon-free or emission-free technologies and energy sources such as hydrogen or nuclear, more efficient management of residual energy from waste recycling and other topics.

"Who else but a technical university such as BUT can raise these topics and lead them to concrete technological solutions and applications in the form of research and development results? We are a technical university with an environmental mindset, which sees responsibility for the environment and climate as a technological opportunity," the Rector outlined the BUT's clear position on the most important issues of the day.

Published: 2023-12-18

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