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Get involved in research on contract cheating

iCOP (International Contract Cheating Project), is a research project focused on the topic of contract cheating. This project aims to identify the situation in this black market and helps to understand students' behavior. In order to solve this problem at universities, we must first identify the "enemy" we are facing. Previous research has shown that more and more students are admitting to contract cheating in the Czech Republic. More information about this phenomenon is in this article.

We would like to ask you to cooperate and fill in the questionnaire, which is only for students of bachelor, master or doctoral studies. We can assure you that the answers are anonymous and that researchers have no way to identify the respondents in any way. For more information, please contact: icopsurvey@gmail.com. The data collection deadline is April 12, 2020, after that all the data will be processed and the results published.

You can fill in the questionnaire here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/iCOPsurvey

Published: 2020-03-05 10:23

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d196236



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