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Important information about the accommodation at the BUT Halls of residence

  • Students who have not checked out of BUT Halls of residence and continue to use them are governed by the concluded accommodation agreement and the halls of residence code. Nothing changes on their situation (at least as far as halls of residence are concerned). We ask only for cooperation if the current crisis situation requires non-standard solutions and procedures.
  • For the students who do not use the halls of residence and who are not yet checked out of the halls of residence for whatever reason, the Halls of Residence and Dining Services of BUT will prepare a technical option of checking out. These students will be informed by March 20, 2020 at the latest (more information can be found here).
  • Students who have checked out since March 12, 2020 and students who will be checked out according to the previous point will not be obliged to pay the residence fee, even if they have done the check-out electronically and cannot physically clear their belongings from the rooms for objective reasons. In this case, BUT will not apply Article 5 (2) of the accommodation agreement for the duration of the crisis situation (from the day following on, the accommodation provider is entitled to move the items placed in the accommodation rooms to the designated places. After the expiration of one month from the date of termination of the agreement according to Article I of this agreement, these things shall be considered abandoned and the accommodation provider shall proceed according to the provisions of §1051 et seq. of the Civil Code), unless it is necessary to deal with an emergency - for example, the need to vacate accommodation capacity in the public interest.
  • In the case the emergency ends and the studies is resumed in the current semester, the students who checked out from the halls of residence after March 12, 2020 will have the right of priority re-enrolment to the halls of residence, and the Halls of Residence and Dining Services will guarantee their bed according to their accommodation agreement.
  • Checking out from the hall of residence in this emergency situation will not affect the possibility of making a reservation request for the next academic year. For the purposes of next year's accommodation booking, students who have already or will check out from the halls of residence since March 12, 2020 will be considered as "students living in halls of residence at the time of application" within the meaning of Guideline 46/2017 (Rules for accommodation of BUT students and staff in the BUT halls of residence).
  • The BUT management assures students that BUT will apply a friendly approach in all cases justified by the emergency situation in which we have found ourselves and that BUT's current priority is to ensure primarily the safety and health of all those affected.

Published: 2020-03-18 13:20

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