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International Scientific Advisory Board as an important advisory body of BUT

International Scientific Advisory Board of Brno University of Technology (BUT) met for the first time on 1–2 November. The aim of the meeting was to present our university, its strategy and goals, capacities and infrastructure to this body and to get feedback on the functioning of the university in the field of scientific and artistic activities and on the results of the internal evaluation. The Council particularly appreciated the excellent research infrastructure and highly motivated researchers. It also provided valuable feedback on the internal evaluation of science and other creative activities at BUT and suggestions for future evaluations in which they will be directly involved in the coming years.

International Scientific Advisory Board’s visit 2023 | Autor: Václav Koníček

The International Scientific Council of BUT, which was newly established this year, is the key independent advisory body of the university, especially in the field of its strategic development and improvement of the quality of scientific, research, innovative and educational activities. It is composed of eleven international experts representing the main scientific fields of the faculties and institutes of BUT. The criteria for their selection were, in addition to scientific expertise, managerial experience in top management of European and other foreign universities. Members of the board include Prof. Sabine Seidler, former Rector of TU Wien,Prof. Detlef Günther, former Vice President for Research (and Corporate Relations) at ETH Zurich, and Prof. Jarmo Takala, Deputy Rector at the University of Tampere in Finland. Read more about all its members here.

The intention of the first meeting was to get feedback on the functioning of the university in the field of scientific and artistic activities and on the results of the internal evaluation of science and art, which the university has undergone this year. In addition to discussions with the university management and faculties, the programme also included visits to faculties and university institutes. Next year, members of the International Scientific Council will be included in a detailed evaluation of research and doctoral studies at BUT. The recommendations of the International Scientific Council are paired off and provide more detail to the findings of the EUA evaluation that BUT has undergone in late 2022. These recommendations are important as an independent view of the functioning of the university and contribute to decisions about its strategic direction.

"I appreciate the active participation of the individuals who accepted membership in the International Scientific Advisory Board, the effort and attention they devoted to the analysis and formulation of the conclusions, and especially their ability to realistically perceive the climate of the university despite the short time. I also greatly appreciate the active participation and involvement of the Deans of Faculties and Directors of university institutes in the related meetings of the Council, the arrangements for visits to faculties and institutes and the openness of their communication throughout the meetings. We will be using the conclusions of the International Scientific Council at the university," added rector Ladislav Janíček.
International Scientific Advisory Board’s visit 2023 | Autor: Václav Koníček

Published: 2023-11-07 13:00

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