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It was decided to limit the consumption of PET bottles at FEEC. The dispensers for filtered water were introduced

With the participation of the faculty management, representatives of FILTERMAC and the sponsor, the Codasip company, the FEEC BUT inaugurated the operation of special filtered water dispensers. “We want to give our students and employees an alternative to bottled water that is an ecological burden,” Vladimír Aubrecht, the Dean, said. The management of the faculty is thus trying to inspire its students and employees to use tap water, which is not only friendly to nature, but also free of charge. The dispenser offers both sparkling and still chilled water, which each visitor can tap into their own bottle. The dispenser uses tap water, which is directly filtered by carbon filters and treated with UV light. The result is quality, fresh and tasty water that is not unnecessarily stored or transported. There were two water dispensers installed in FEEC buildings. They can be found in the FEEC atrium on Technicka 8 and also in the corridor near Professor Brauner's hall at Technicka 12. The water dispenser was installed some time ago at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, where they have saved more than a ton of plastic waste that would otherwise be generated bottled water.

FEEC has had two new water dispensers installed | Autor: FEEC BUT

Published: 2019-10-01 09:38

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d193165



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