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Jiří Klemeš from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT is one of the most cited scientists in the world

Professor Jiří Klemeš, who works at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT, is among one percent of most-cited scientists in the world. The Clarivate company published the prestigious Highly Cited Researchers ranking for 2020 today. Among more than six thousand names from sixty countries, 9 other Czech researchers are on the list together with Klemeš. Professor Jiří Klemeš first appeared in the ranking in 2018.

Professor Jiří Klemeš has extensive foreign experience, he spent years at universities in Great Britain, Hungary or China. The renowned scientist returned to his Czech alma mater in 2017 to lead the team of the Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory (abbreviated to SPIL). The research focused on sustainability takes place at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT in the NETME science centre. "Our research is responding to alarming greenhouse gases figures and addressing the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases as well as other emissions. Our main goal is to achieve unique and practically usable knowledge that will contribute to the solution of increasing the efficiency of the process and energy industry, "Klemeš explained earlier.

Professor Jiří Klemeš works at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BUT | Autor: Igor Šefr

Thanks to Professor Klemeš's international reputation, the SPIL professional conference, which his team has been organizing for 4 years and which coincidentally begins today and continues until Friday, November 20, has also received a great deal of attention. Although this year's event takes place online due to the epidemic situation, it has attracted scientists from all over the world. "We have 309 registered participants from 55 countries and very prestigious workplaces, such as Oxford University. I am convinced that this conference will contribute to a further increase in the international reputation of our faculty and the entire BUT," Klemeš believes.

The ranking is led by the United States

The Clarivate company publishes a list of the most cited scientists every year. This year, 6,167 names of researchers from all over the world appeared in it. For the purposes of its analysis, Clarivate recognizes 21 basic scientific disciplines, and in the last two years the category of "cross-field performance" for researchers with an extraordinary impact on scientific knowledge outside their own field of study has been added to the list of the most cited scientists. Analysts select from the Web of Science database 1% of the most cited scientific articles in individual fields over the last ten years. According to the authors of the ranking, the upper percentage of the most cited works can be interpreted as a sign that a given scientific contribution has an extraordinary influence.

The list of the most cited scientists for 2020 also includes 26 Nobel Prize winners. In an international comparison, the United States were by far the most successful, with 2,650 scientists from the entire list (i.e. 41.5% of the awarded). China took second place with 770 researchers (12.1% of the awarded). Among the institutions, Harvard University has the most scientists on the list. In the ranking for 2020, we will also find 10 researchers who belong to one of the Czech research institutions.

The overall results of Highly Cited Researchers 2020 are available here.

Published: 2020-11-18 12:51

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d205837



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