• Brno University of Technology - Centre of Sports Activities
  • Research centres

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Learn and discover with the new Matlab Campus-wide license

Computer and information services centre BUT is introducing a new Matlab Campus Wide license. The license is intended for all employees and students of BUT. You can use it on BUT computers, mobile phones and tablets, on an unlimited number of compute server nodes, and on your own computers at home. The number of concurrently running BUT licenses is no longer limited. The Matlab Campus Wide license allows you to work online in a web browser without installation. You can also download the latest version of Matlab 2019b. All the latest toolboxes are available. However, this licence cannot be used for business activity.

The new Matlab license also offers you a cloud based Matlab Drive, where you can save our calculations and access it from anywhere. You can also share your projects with colleagues, classmates and submit tasks. Furthermore, this license offers you the matlab academy e-learning courses, thanks to which you will learn to handle Matlab from the ground up to more complex modeling and simulations. Matlab Grader is available for the teachers, enabling them to prepare the lessons using Matlab. You can access Matlab from the Intraportal  and Cloud services. Before you start working with a new license, you need to carry out a one-time registration. During the registration you set a login email and password to Matlab. To use this license your login mail must be BUTmail @vut.cz or @vutbr.cz domain. Thereafter you can use Matlab without any restrictions.


Published: 2020-01-10 13:24

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d194080



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