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Martin Pumera from CEITEC at BUT is among the most cited scientists in the world

Stanford University has published a list of 2 % of the world's most-cited scientists. A total of 359 of them work at Czech research institutions. The most cited Czech scientist in 2019 was the chemist Martin Pumera, who also works at CEITEC at BUT and the University of Chemical Technology in Prague. He ranked 203rd in the overall ranking with an h-index (adjusted for self-citations) of 35. The only other Czech scientist who fit into the top one thousand of the world's most cited scientists is Rajender Varma, who works at Palacký University in Olomouc.

The Chemist Martin Pumera is the most cited Czech scientist | Autor: Archive CEITEC BUT

The researchers at Stanford University, in collaboration with Elsevier publishing company and SciTech Strategies, have compiled a list of the 2 % most cited researchers in all fields, who the Scopus database includes. In total, the data covers over 160,000 scientists from around the world. The published information includes categories such as the h-index (with and without self-citation-adjusted data), the absolute number of articles in which individual researchers participated in 2019, and all published articles since 1960.

The offered data show how scientists stand in terms of their entire career and what results these researchers had in 2019. From these data, the analysts compiled an overall score, according to which they ranked the results. Of the scientists working at Czech institutions, 359 researchers were included in the ranking.

Published: 2021-01-12 09:26

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d207547



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