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Measures for BUT students in connection with COVID-19

Dear students,

The beginning of the academic year is approaching and we are all probably watching the epidemiological situation intently. Unfortunately, the number of coronavirus infections has been rising in recent weeks, even reaching higher levels than at the time of the spring prohibition of students’ presence at the university. It is therefore likely that with the arrival of autumn, the situation will get worse rather than better, also due to the return of students to schools.

We all wish that from September 21, 2020, we could start classical full-time teaching with a minimum of necessary restrictions. he Ministry of Health is currently preparing a manual for universities, which we will follow. It is also necessary to prepare some own measures, depending on the specific situation at BUT.

We had to take some measures even now which are effective from September 1, 2020. It is mainly a prohibition of people with symptoms of viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.) to enter the BUT buildings, and the obligation of persons entering the BUT buildings (except for the BUT employees) to use respiratory protective means to cover the nose and mouth (e.g. a respirator, mask, mouthpiece assembly, scarf, shawl, etc.) that prevent the spread of droplets. Our employees must also have these protective means when dealing with students and other persons in areas designated for meetings (e.g. in study departments and other workplaces). More information can be found in the Rector's Decision No. 4/2020.

Another measure concerns BUT Halls of Residence and Canteens, where a larger number of people come into contact. All those present in the BUT canteens are obliged to wear the above-mentioned protective equipment (except for the time of food consuming). This obligation also applies in the common areas of the halls of residence. If the accommodated person is imposed with isolation or quarantine, he is obliged to report this fact by e-mail to karantena@vutbr.cz. There is also a prohibition of visits of accommodated persons in isolation or quarantine, for other visits, selected personal data will be registered.

I would also like to ask you not to expose yourself and your colleagues unnecessarily to the risk of infection, both at BUT and during your stay and movement outside the university premises. Possible illness can affect your schoolmates, teachers and other BUT employees. Thank you very much for your understanding and consideration, together we will certainly overcome this difficult period. Further information in connection with the teaching will be published no later than on September 14, 2020.

I wish us all strong nerves, good health and a successful academic year 2020/2021. I believe we can do it together.

Petr Štěpánek
Rector of BUT

Summary of the measures:
  1. Prohibition of entry of persons with symptoms of viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.) into BUT buildings
  2. The obligation to wear respiratory protective means, e.g. a respirator, mask, mouthpiece assembly, scarf, shawl or other means that prevent the spread of droplets in BUT buildings - applies to students and other persons except for the employees
  3. The obligation to wear respiratory protective means when acting in designated areas - applies to everyone present
  4. The obligation to wear respiratory protective means in catering establishments and in common areas of halls of residence - applies to everyone present
  5. The obligation of persons accommodated in BUT halls of residence to report that they have been imposed isolation or quarantine to the email address karantena@vutbr.cz
  6. The obligation of foreigners accommodated at BUT halls of residence to inform of the country they came from and to prove that they have fulfilled the reporting obligation at the Regional Hygiene Station of the South Moravian Region based in Brno
  7. The records of visits to the halls of residence (name and surname of the visitor, name and surname and the room number of the person visited and the date and time of the beginning and end of the visit.

Published: 2020-09-01 14:32

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d201715



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