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New central coordinator for EULiST

At the beginning of the year, Dr. Markus Auditor commenced his new role as central coordinator of the university network EULiST (European Universities Linking Society and Technology) at the International Office of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). As head of the EULiST Coordination Office, Markus Auditor will work together with the local EULiST Coordinators at all ten EULiST universities to manage central project administration and internal communication, as well as cooperation with other European University Alliances and organisations. In addition, he will provide support with the development and implementation of strategies and concepts to sustainably transform EULiST into a European university.

The EULiST network unites more than 200,000 students at ten European universities. Its central purpose is to develop new sustainable solutions for the major social challenges of today and tomorrow. EULiST will thus design and implement joint interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teaching and learning formats and research strategies in order to ultimately create an interuniversity campus.

Auditor graduated in educational studies, sociology and cultural studies, as well as completing a PhD in international educational cooperation for sustainable development at the former University of Hannover. In recent years, he was coordinator of a work package for the European University Alliance ENLIGHT and its acting Local Coordinator at the University of Göttingen.

Published: 2023-01-25 08:23

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