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New QS Europe University Rankings: BUT is among 216 best universities

Autor: Igor Šefr

Brno University of Technology (BUT) is ranked 216th among 688 ranked universities in Europe in the latest ranking by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a higher education research company. The result means that BUT ranks among the top 32% of European universities and is ranked 4th among Czech universities. The absolute winner of the first edition of the European ranking was Oxford University, ahead of ETH Zurich and the University of Cambridge.

Until now, QS has only published global comparative rankings. In June 2023, the twentieth edition of the QS World University Rankings was published, in which BUT is ranked 611th-620th. And now, for the first time ever, the 2024 QS Europe University Rankings are being published.

What does the new ranking tell us?

Out of a possible 100 points, the BUT obtained 38.6 points. Similar to the June world ranking, the indicators of the university's reputation among employers (Employer Reputation), with a weight of 15% of the total score, and the proportion of international students with a weight of 5% contributed to the excellent result. This indicator has undergone a slight change in the European ranking, when it became "International Student Diversity", which now evaluates not only the proportion of international students at the university, but also the diversity of the countries from which they come.

A newly introduced indicator that assesses the proportion of university students involved in an international exchange programme for at least one semester (Outbound Exchange Students – weighted as 2.5%) has also helped BUT in its ranking.

In all three of these indicators, the BUT was ranked in the top 100 universities. In the most important indicator the academic reputation rating with a weight of 30% which reflects the scientific excellence of the institution from the point of view of the world scientific community, the university ranked 249th.

More information can be found directly on the QS Europe University Rankings website

Encouragement to the new academic year

"With the start of a new academic year, it's always good if we get some concrete encouragement. For us, this can be the publication of the 2024 QS Europe University Rankings. I think it can be considered a great success that we are among the 32% of the best European universities and we ranked 4th among the 17 ranked universities in the Czech Republic," said the rector of the BUT Ladislav Janíček and mentioned all those behind this success:

"I would like to thank the deans of faculties and directors of institutes and units of the BUT for their successful leadership. My thanks also go to all the heads of institutes, academic and scientific staff and doctoral students who contribute to building the prestigious position of our technical university in Europe with their work, performance and their quality, as well as to all non-academic and technical staff who support their work. Thanks also go to all students who represent and support the good name of the BUT by their activities."

The ratings from the British company QS have been published regularly since 2004 and with almost every edition the company comes up with new products. However, the main metrics have remained the same for a long time. These are the mentioned academic reputation, citation rate and attractiveness of graduates to future employers (Employer Reputation).

A total of 688 institutions from 42 European countries participated in this year's QS Europe University Rankings. The organizers used a total of 141.6 million citations, 2.1 million academic nominations and 617,000 employer nominations for the ranking.

In March, QS published the World University Rankings by Subject, in which the BUT was among the best in architecture and material sciences. At the end of the summer the new edition of the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), in which the BUT moved up 200 places.

Published: 2023-09-20

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