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Welcome Week at BUT – winter semester 2020/2021

International Relations Department in cooperation with ESN VUT Brno has prepared Welcome Week for all international students coming to study at BUT in winter semester 2020/2021, which takes place between 14th September - 20th September 2020.

We are very glad that we can organize our Welcome Week even in this difficult time and welcome more than 280 international students at BUT. Students will receive a lot of important information during the Admission day (e.g. about health insurance in the Czech Republic, transportation in Brno, sports activities at BUT, accommodation scholarship, etc.). Students who are interested in studying Czech language, can attend the Crash course, which is organized in cooperation with the Institute of Social Science. We will also organize many other activities during Welcome Week (e.g. excursion to the Technical Museum in Brno, trip to Veveří castle or visit Brno Observatory and Planetarium).

Last but not least incoming students will have the opportunity to meet our team from International Relations Department and ESN VUT Brno!

Published: 2020-08-13 10:45

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d201371



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