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BUT Faculty of Architecture students and graduates notched up a success in an international architectural competition

Vlado Hrivňák, Gabriel Sedlák, Marta Bímová, and Iveta Koláriková of the Brno Kurtis+Partners studio, all of them Czech architects and graduates from the BUT Faculty of Architecture, ended up among the best ten participants of a competition for the design of a London Olympic Games Information Pavilion.

This information pavilion is to be built on the Trafalgar Square in London. The competition should encourage architects in extending boundaries, to find and appreciate a masterly design of a small building combining the function, construction, detail, and spirit of the Olympic Games and to discover new approaches to designing an information pavilion applying the methods of sustainable construction. The purpose of the pavilion is to promote the Olympic Games to take place in London in 2012.

Published: 2011-07-20

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19527/d54474



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