Course detail

Analysis of Company's Capability

FIT-RVPAcad. year: 2015/2016

The course focuses on the following topics: Development of fundamental approaches to the efficiency of the company. Comparison of company performance efficiency (fundamentals of benchmarking). Balanced Scorecard System. Measurement of the financial efficiency of the company. Measurement of the efficiency in the field of customers and the markets. Measurement of the internal processes efficiency. Measurement in the field of resource potential of the company. Questions related to the interconnection of the measuring index system with the company strategy. Possibility to apply the EFQM Model Excellence when evaluating the efficiency and comparing the companies. Methodical approach to the implementation of company efficiency measuring systems.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will have a clear idea of modern methods of measuring the company efficiency, including most frequently used systems of efficiency measurement. They will acquire the basic skills necessary for evaluation and comparison of efficiency of companies and they will be able to take an active part in realization of projects concerning implementation of company efficiency measurement systems.


Solution of equations and working out function graphs, knowledge of account sheets, cost accounting, cost calculation, financial analysis methods, fundamentals of organization and managerial functions within the company.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Not applicable.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Study evaluation is based on marks obtained for specified items. Minimimum number of marks to pass is 50.

Course curriculum

    Syllabus of lectures:
    1. Development of basic approaches towards measuring of company efficiency 
    2. Comparison of company efficiency (fundamentals of benchmarking). 
    3. Balanced Scorecard System. Measurement of the financial efficiency of the company. 
    4. Measurement of the efficiency in the field of customers and the markets. 
    5. Measurement of the internal processes efficiency. 
    6. Measurement of the efficiency in the field of learning and growth. 
    7. Questions related to the interconnection of the measuring index system with the company strategy. 
    8. EFQM Model Excellence principles and methods of implementation. Models Malcolm Baldrig and T. Conti.
    9. Self-assessments of company efficiency - diagnostic process. 
    10. Programmes for implementation of company efficiency measuring systems.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The main objective of the course is to provide students with the theoretical foundations and methodology necessary for the evaluation and comparison of companies efficiency. This requires mastering modern methods of the company efficiency measurement, including questions related to the most frequently used systems for efficiency measurement. Students should also understand questions with respect to the interconnection of the index measuring systems with the company strategy and to master methodical procedure of the implementation of the efficiency measuring systems.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Control of results of independent work on assigned tasks. In case of excused absence from seminars, the teacher can set additional condition if appropriate, usually elaboration of partial written task.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

SOLAŘ J., BARTOŠ V. Rozbor výkonnosti firmy. 3.vydání Brno: VUT Brno, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2006, 163 s. ISBN 80-214-3325-6. KAPLAN, R.S., NORTON, D.P. Balanced scorecard. Praha, Management Press 2000. 267 s. ISBN 80-7261-032-5. PAVELKOVÁ, D., KNÁPKOVÁ, A. Výkonnost podniku z pohledu finančního manažera. 2. aktualizované a doplněné vydání. Praha: Linde, s.r.o., 2009. 333 s. ISBN 978-80-86131-85-6 HORVÁTH & PARTNERS Balanced Scorecard v praxi. 1.vydání Praha, Profess Consulting s.r.o. 2002. 386s. ISBN 80-7259-018-9. NENADÁL J., Měření v systémech managementu jakosti. 2.vydání Praha, Management Press, 2004. 335 s. ISBN 80-7261-110-0.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme IT-MSC-2 Master's

    branch MMI , 0 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


  1. Development of basic approaches towards measuring of company efficiency 
  2. Comparison of company efficiency (fundamentals of benchmarking). 
  3. Balanced Scorecard System. Measurement of the financial efficiency of the company. 
  4. Measurement of the efficiency in the field of customers and the markets. 
  5. Measurement of the internal processes efficiency. 
  6. Measurement of the efficiency in the field of learning and growth. 
  7. Questions related to the interconnection of the measuring index system with the company strategy. 
  8. EFQM Model Excellence principles and methods of implementation. Models Malcolm Baldrig and T. Conti.
  9. Self-assessments of company efficiency - diagnostic process. 
  10. Programmes for implementation of company efficiency measuring systems.

Fundamentals seminar

13 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer