Course detail

Sensorics, Measurment and Industrial Diagnostics

FSI-VMD-KAcad. year: 2020/2021

The course is focused on issues of technical diagnostics, sensors and measurements. The importance of these individual scientific areas is explained and their connection and importance for technical practice is emphasized. Basic concepts are discussed.
Subsequently, attention is focused on metrology. Selected technical quantities and their units are defined. Calibration and verification of meters are also included, as well as measurement uncertainties. Attention is also focused on measuring instruments and their properties. An important part of this course is sensors and a description of the properties of individual sensors. There is also a mention of smart sensors and their possible use in diagnostics, automation, etc. An important part of the course are methods of measuring physical quantities. The signal analysis, methods and approaches are also discussed in detail. Faults are important for technical equipment, these are
specified. Subsequently, off-line and on-line diagnostics, classification, diagnostic tools, diagnostic systems and also current trends in diagnostics are described.
Considerable space in the lectures is reserved for individual diagnostic methods, such as vibrodiagnostics, electrodiagnostics, thermodiagnostics, noise diagnostics, acoustic emission, tribodiagnostics, assembly and optical measurements. The condition of technical equipment is also viewed in terms of reliability and maintenance.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course "Sensors, Measurement and Diagnostics" is to understand the basic facts from the mentioned areas and also to clarify the connections needed for technical practice. Students acquire a relatively high level of competence in the field of sensorics, measurement and technical diagnostics.


Prerequisites and co-requisites Basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, statistics and mechanics is expected at the level of completed subjects in the framework of university studies.


Co-requisites are not expected in the course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught in the form of lectures, which are an explanation of the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is complemented by laboratory exercises, where the theoretical knowledge gained from lectures is practically verified. Where possible, lectures will be organized for practitioners and field trips to companies dealing with activities related to the subject matter.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

The course consists of exercises and lectures. Exercises are compulsory. Exercise is completed by credit (awarded in the 13th week). To obtain it, 100% attendance at seminars, activity at seminars and elaboration and submission of protocols from all prescribed laboratory exercises are required. Further details are given at the beginning of the semester.
The exam is written and oral. The evaluation of the test result is given by the ECTS grading scale.

Course curriculum

Not applicable.

Work placements

If internships are organized by the institute, participation is possible after approval. The same applies to student mobility events organized by FME or BUT.


Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge in the field of sensorics, measurement and technical diagnostics. These areas of science are important today to understand the problems in technical practice. The aim is also to become familiar with the maintenance of technical equipment, because it can significantly affect the economy of the company. The operability of technical equipment is also associated with an important area, namely reliability. Thus, the aim of the course is to understand the basic facts of reliability.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Controlled participation in lessons: Controlled participation in lessons: 100% attendance at seminars is required. In case of absence, the student is obliged to compensate the lessons.

Recommended optional programme components

Participation in professional excursions in educational institutions or companies that deal with problem solving according to the course syllabus is expected. It is also possible to attend lectures on the subject.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

KREIDL, M.; Šmíd, R.; Technická diagnostika. : 1. vydání Praha: BEN – technická literatura, 2006. 408 s. ISBN 80-7300-158-6.
HOFMANN, D., Handbuch Messtechnik und Qualitatssicherung : Berlin : Verlag Technik 1986. 472 s.
LIPOVSKY, G., a kol., Vibration Testing of Machines and their Maintenance : Amsterdam: Elsevier 1990. 304 pp. ISBN 0-444-98808-4.
KUREKOVÁ, E.; Gabko, P.; Halaj, M. and all: Measurement in Technology I. and II. : Vienna / Bratislava: Vienna University of Technology / Grafické štúdio Juriga. 2005. 724 pp. ISBN 80-89112-05-6.
CHUDÝ, V.; Palenčár, R.; Kureková, E.; Halaj, M.; Meranie technických veličín : 1.vydání Bratislava : Vydavatelstvo STU, 1999. 688s. ISBN 80-227-1275-2.

Recommended reading

KUREKOVÁ, E.; Gabko, P.; Halaj, M. and all: Measurement in Technology I. and II. : Vienna / Bratislava: Vienna University of Technology / Grafické štúdio Juriga. 2005. 724 pp. ISBN 80-89112-05-6
DAĎO, S., Kreidl, M., Senzory a měřicí obvody : 1. vydání Praha : Vydavatelství ČVUT v Praze 1996. 315 s. ISBN 80-01-02057-6.
CHUDÝ, V.; Palenčár, R.; Kureková, E.; Halaj, M.; Meranie technických veličín : 1.vydání Bratislava : Vydavatelstvo STU, 1999. 688s. ISBN 80-227-1275-2.
JANOUŠEK, I.; Kozák, J.; Taraba, O. a kol.; Technická diagnostika. :1. vydání Praha, SNTL Praha, 1988. 432 s. ISBN 04-236-88.
JENČÍK, J; Volf, J.; Technická měření : 1.vydání Praha : Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2000. 212 s. ISBN 80-01-02138-6.
KREIDL, M.; Šmíd, R.; Technická diagnostika. : 1. vydání Praha: BEN – technická literatura, 2006. 408 s. ISBN 80-7300-158-6.
LIPOVSKY, G., a kol., Vibration Testing of Machines and their Maintenance : Amsterdam: Elsevier 1990. 304 p. ISBN 0-444-98808-4.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme N-AIŘ-K Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit


Guided consultation in combined form of studies

13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. The importance of technical diagnostics, sensors and measurements - basic concepts and terminology
2. Metrology. New definitions of SI units (2019). Traceability of meters. Calibration and verification of meters. Measurement uncertainties. Measuring instruments and their properties
3. Sensory. Sensors for measuring physical quantities, smart sensors and their use
4. Methods of measuring physical quantities
5. Methods of measuring physical quantities - continued
6. Signal analysis, methods and approaches
7. Causes of failures of technical equipment
8. Off-line and on-line diagnostics, division, diagnostic tools, diagnostic systems, current trends in diagnostics
9. Vibrodiagnostics
10. Electrodiagnostics
11. Thermodiagnostics, noise diagnostics, acoustic emission
12. Tribodiagnostics, assembly and optical measurements
13. Reliability of elements and systems. Maintenance. Modern approaches in maintenance

Laboratory exercise

9 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to the subject
2. Measurement uncertainties, measuring instruments
3. Sensors for measuring physical quantities
4. Measurement of static values ​​of quantities
5. Measurement of dynamic values ​​of quantities
6. Signal analysis and introduction to hardware and software for signal evaluation
7. Vibration diagnostics of technical equipment
8. Use of vibration diagnostics in technical practice
9. Electrodiagnostics, measurement of quantities and their evaluation
10. Thermodiagnostics, temperature measurement, thermovision
11. Assembly and optical measurement, machine alignment
12. Maintenance of machinery in practice, design of modern approaches in maintenance (TPM), reliability
13. Final exercise, evaluation, credit

Guided consultation

43 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. The importance of technical diagnostics, sensors and measurements - basic concepts and terminology
2. Metrology. New definitions of SI units (2019). Traceability of meters. Calibration and verification of meters. Measurement uncertainties. Measuring instruments and their properties
3. Sensory. Sensors for measuring physical quantities, smart sensors and their use
4. Methods of measuring physical quantities
5. Methods of measuring physical quantities - continued
6. Signal analysis, methods and approaches
7. Causes of failures of technical equipment
8. Off-line and on-line diagnostics, division, diagnostic tools, diagnostic systems, current trends in diagnostics
9. Vibrodiagnostics
10. Electrodiagnostics
11. Thermodiagnostics, noise diagnostics, acoustic emission
12. Tribodiagnostics, assembly and optical measurements
13. Reliability of elements and systems. Maintenance. Modern approaches in maintenance