Course detail

Urbanism II - Urban Construction

FA-U22Acad. year: 2010/2011

The subject “Urbanism II – building cities” introduces and directs students of architecture faculty in urbanistic problems, it deals with concepts of urbanistic complexes and with attitude to architecture. Accent is put on conceptual principles of single functional elements and operating system. Students are also familiarizing with urbanistic building typology, elements and devices for living, commercial and non-commercial equipment, production, relaxation, verdure, technical equipment and transportation. In lectures and seminars the students shall acquire knowledge about urbanistic designing and are trained to handle basic urbanistic studio.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students completing the course "Urban II - Construction of Cities " will be able to understand the basic urban problems. Acquired knowledge in urban design and typology of types of buildings for residential, commercial and noncommercial software, manufacturing, recreation, green areas, technical facilities and services will be applied in practice and studio work. Knowledge and skills, together with those obtained in other related subjects of urban students applied for the management of multi-disciplinary team of professionals working in urban studies and regional documentation.


Theoretical and practical knowledge of problems and ability to solve them, needed for architectural design activity.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Methods and procedures determined by lecturers teaching in collaboration with teachers leading exercises.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Classified credit shall be given in case of final study turn in, passing of exam work of appropriate quality and in given term and passing final written test, in which it is necessary to gain at least half of points. In case of fulfilling previous conditions the result of control tests, final study including exam work and final test, shall be considered in the scope of subject classification in ratio 50% : 50%.

Course curriculum

1. Introduction to problems with building cities
2. Housing and residential complex – I
3. Housing and residential complex - II
4. Housing and residential complex - III
5. Housing and residential complex - IV
6. Civil commercial equipment (shop, services, accommodation)
7. Civil non-commercial equipment (administration, culture, schools)
8. Production and storage facilities and complexes
9. Verdure and relaxation
10. Transportation I (basic typology)
10. Transportation II (transport network, transport service)
11. Transportation III (transport equipment)
12. Technical equipment

Work placements

Not applicable.


Students are familiarized with urbanistic building typology, devices and housing elements, commercial and non-commercial equipment, technical facilities and transportation. During lessons and seminars students also acquire basics of urbanistic designing and are prepared for managing basic urbanistic studio.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Concept of each task and final study turn in.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Gehl. J.: Život mezi budovami, Partnerství, 2000, (CS)
Ústav územního rozvoje: Zásady a pravidla územního plánování, ÚUR 2005 (CS)
Krier, L.: Architektura , volba nebo osud, Academia 2001 (CS)
Maier, K.: Urbanistická čítanka, ČKA Praha 2002 (CS)
Marhold, K.: Sídla, Urbanistická typologie II, ČVUT Praha 1991 (CS)
Vyhlášky MMR ČR (CS)
Prinz, D., Sttädtebau, 1. a 2. Díl, W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1987 (DE)
English Partnership/The Housing Corporation: Urban Design Compendium. London 2004 (EN)
English Partnership/The Housing Corporation: Urban Design Compendium 2. London 2006 (EN)
Norma ČSN 736110 Projektování místních komunikací (2005) (CS)
Šerek, Lhotáková, Sklenář, Pavlíček: Technická infrastruktury. FA VUT 1996 (CS)

Recommended reading

Boeminghaus, D.: Fusgängerzonen, 1992 (DE)
Brath, J.: Pešie zóny v meste, 1987 (SK)
Internet: www www (CS)
Sitte, C.: Stavba měst podle uměleckých zásad, 1995 (CS)
Neufert, E., Navrhování staveb, Consultinvest, Praha 1995 (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme ARCHURB Bachelor's

    branch ARCH , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to problems with building cities
2. Housing and residential complex – I
3. Housing and residential complex - II
4. Housing and residential complex - III
5. Housing and residential complex - IV
6. Civil commercial equipment (shop, services, accommodation)
7. Civil non-commercial equipment (administration, culture, schools)
8. Production and storage facilities and complexes
9. Verdure and relaxation
10. Transportation I (basic typology)
10. Transportation II (transport network, transport service)
11. Transportation III (transport equipment)
12. Technical equipment


39 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to teaching program and credit gaining requirements.
Relation of urbanism and architecture. Typical urbanistic spaces and topics – squares, streets, waterfronts, urbanistic block. Walk. Perspective of quality and bad urban space (1).
House and city, building placement in urbanistic structure analysis – setting task A.
2. Turning in and presentation of task 1, task A consultation.
Fragment of city residential development study – relation of function and house typology with development style, demands of residential environment, orientation, columns, insolation (2).
3. Presentation of task A.
Correction and finishing task A.
Fragment of city residential development study – transport systems, space demands of transportation, transportation service, service road design and parking lot (3).
4. Turning in task A.
Fragment of city residential development study – inner block organization, verdure and small architecture (4.).
5. Turning in tasks (2), (3), (4) - Fragment of city residential development study, situation 1:500.
Fragment of family development study and calculation of intensity of area usage, situation 1:500, 100x100m (5).
Urbanistic study of small urbanistic complex – explanation of tasks B and C.
6. Exam work – processing of urbanistic study of given small urbanistic complex (comprehensive urbanistic design – situation 1:1000) – task II.
7. Discussing exam works, their evaluation.
Correcting urbanistic situation from exam work.
Turning in task (5)-
City street as polyfunctional area – perspective of residential street or city boulevard, cross-section (6).
8. Turning in task (6).
Authorizing urbanistic study as data for model.
Urbanistic model processing.
9. Consultation of semifinished model.
Overall written test.
10. Presentation and evaluation of task no. III, discussion
11. Educational excursion
12. Reserve
13. Credit