Branch Details

Design and Process Engineering

Original title in Czech: Konstrukční a procesní inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: D-KPIAcad. year: 2017/2018Specialisation: Machines and Eqiupments

Programme: Machines and Equipment

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: 1.1.1999Accredited until: 31.12.2020


Design and Process Engineering
· Designing, construction, calculation, technology of manufacturing, technical preparation of manufacturing including assembly and testing,
· Thermal and nuclear power plant devices such as steam and combustion turbines, steam generators, steam power plants and heating plants including nuclear power stations, industrial power engineering and their environmental aspects,
· Water turbines, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pumps, piping systems, hydroelectric power plants, and pumping stations,
· Machinary and devices for chemical industry, food-stuff industry, and biotechnological treatment lines,
· Construction, modelling and theoretical studies of machines and devices for cutting, forming machines, industrial robots, and manipulators,
· Machine parts and mechanisms, methodology of designing machine elements and working mechanisms of general application with consideration of stochastic qualities of inputs, including the application of special types of machines and devices,
· Cars, vans and lorries, buses, trailers, semi-trailers, and motorcycles,
· Combustion engines for all types of vehicle drives, simulation of combustion engine thermomechanical systems, dynamics of driving gear, engine accessories, ecology,
· Machines and devices for in-plant handling of material and handling between operations, for the mining and transport of building materials, for passenger conveyance in buildings,
· Aerodynamic calculation and designing, flight mechanics, fatigue and durability of aircraft constructions, aeroelasticity of aircraft,
· Quality of machine industry production.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Adaptive drive control

    4th Industrial Revolution – INDUSTRY 4.0 – requires development of innovated machines with integrated multisensor system allowing maximum understanding of the machine´s behaviour and its analysis in computational virtual environment. The developed adaptive drive control system includes also logical units collecting and processing data from the sensors and generating output signals for the selected actuators. The output of the work will be a platform for adaptive drive control applicable in the selected type of a production machine and meeting the requirements set for INDUSTRY 4.0.

    Tutor: Blecha Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., FEng.

  2. Adaptivity and safety of collaborative human–machine system

    The fourth industrial revolution known as INDUSTRY 4.0 is also associated with the development of innovative production systems allowing direct cooperation between human and production equipment. An example may be the first application of robotized workplaces with collaborative robots. Greater use of the potential of direct human-machine cooperation is limited by the terms of technological process safety and by the protection of process data against unauthorized access (safety and security). The outcome of the work will be processing platform for a comprehensive approach to direct cooperation of human with adaptive manufacturing equipment complying challenges associated with INDUSTRY 4.0.

    Tutor: Blecha Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., FEng.

  3. Design of the machining center with elements of Industry 4.0

    Today experiencing technical public informational boom for the fourth industrial revolution, which is taken into account in the Czech Industry 4.0. In the design of machine tools is now the highlight of the machining center, which is in the synergy of all chip machining technology. However, it is not satisfactorily resolved readiness for everything related to the fourth industrial revolution. The aim of this work is to systematically dismantle highlight the interconnections and relationships. It will then be performed several experiments on the machines to give those links and context to examine in the context of Industry 4.0.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  4. Effect of changes in machining on design feed axis of machining centers

    When are design of feed axis machining centers, it is necessary to effectively designing and management of the feed elements so that technical system worked efficiently. It is necessary to consider both technical and economic aspects. Any change in the type of instrument, which is machined, can cause considerable problems in terms of stability and in terms of the quality of the workpiece. The aim is to determine these effects, validate their impact on experiments and then using a systems approach to develop new methodologies for the design of feed axes.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  5. Effect of volumtric accuracy of CNC Machine tools on working accuracy

    New technologies allow to still lower measurement uncertainty to describe the volumetric deviation of the measured point. These technologies can be of advantage to transfer to describe the volumetric accuracy of the machine. On the basis of the measured deviations then introduce appropriate corrections into the machine control system, thereby increasing the volumetric accuracy. By increasing the volumetric accuracy can be expected to increase the final geometrical and dimensional accuracy of the workpiece. The aim is to describe the effect of volumetric accuracy of CNC machine tools for precision work based on the systematic approach of the proposal methodical procedure and verified by experimental tests on selected machines.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  6. Modern approaches in the maintenance sector in the corporate practice

    The topic will be focused on management and engineering of predictive and proactive machine maintenance. Application of the multiparametric diagnostics is assumed for data collection. Attention will also be focused on digitization and automation when designing and implementing the maintenance systems, namely in conformity with the Industrie 4.0. processes.

    Tutor: Hammer Miloš, doc. Ing., CSc.

  7. Multi-parameter machine diagnostics

    The thesis contributes to the topic of utilization of the multi-parameter diagnostics for assessment of condition and state of the chosen machines from industrial practice. The attention will be concentrated mainly on vibrodiagnostics, thermodiagnostics, noise diagnostics and electrodiagnostics, on application of the methods above for individual machines or their parts and on possibilities of assessment of the obtained results. The PhD thesis will be based consistently on the requirements raised to INDUSTRY 4.0 (the fourth industrial revolution).

    Tutor: Hammer Miloš, doc. Ing., CSc.

  8. Risk assessment in a complex quality management system

    The fourth industrial revolution known as INDUSTRY 4.0 requires the development of new approaches to company management and quality management of products and processes. Ever greater role have monitoring interfaces, that are accessible over Internet protocol (Internet of Things) and incorporating "smart" application supporting the selected decision-making processes (Cyber Physical Systems). The outcome of the work will be processing platform for a comprehensive risk assessment in all phases of the product life cycle and relevant company processes.

    Tutor: Blecha Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., FEng.

  9. Systematic Design in a turbulent market environment

    There are a number of methodologies and creative approaches to designing technical objects, especially machine tools. These methodologies, however, do not reflect what is typical for today's market economy, namely the quality and speed. Many of these methods requires a long time and can not respond to changes in the environment and market. The aim is to determine the impact of these turbulent impact on the construction and design a system approach will reflect this. They will also develop new methodological approaches.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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